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paris stuckey

one of the most gorgeous girls on the face of this planet . she's perfect from head to toe . everyone knows her and if they don't , they wish they did . she's so sweet and stunning . did i mention that she is STUNNING? yeah . her name is just so awesome . it'd be so cool if she went to paris and came back and was like , " hey guys , i'm paris and i've been to paris ! " epic moment right there . if you don't know her then you should get to know her . i mean she isn't hard to miss , she's the one with the gorgeous face and amazing personality . long story short , she's amazing . <3

- gosh , i wish i knew paris . she's so amazing .

- there you have . Paris Stuckey ladies and gentlemen . making girls all around feel like poop compared to her .

by LULU . c; October 24, 2011

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hellton

A female celebrity with a voice that makes you want to go to hell.
All she says is That’s Hot, or is it That Shot or That Thot?

Ben: Paris Hellton has the most annoying raspy voice I’ve ever heard.
Gregory: She sure doesn’t deserve her fame.

by gregben February 20, 2022

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The dumbest person you will ever meet she will literally eat your house and still be hungry afterwards. Has a crush on an alcoholic.

Paris is so stupid #parisfuller

by Twinkletoes6113 January 3, 2018

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

paris hilton

an ugly bitch whos nose is seriously fuCKed up and is only famous for bein a spoilt rich kid.

Jay: paris hiltons nose is fuCKed up bad coz shes been snortin too many keys of coke.
Me: yup coz shes a spoilt rich bitch who can afford tons of that shit so no worries bout that bitch.

by PIRU_Kid April 5, 2008

80πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

The Paris Hilton

ejaculation onto a girls face while she is wearing diva glasses

The Paris hilton is when guy having sex with a girl, the man pulls out, the girl puts on her diva glasses and the guy ejaculates on her face

by Inappropriatecomments October 25, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

The world's most hospitable Hilton...

Welcome to my bony ass...

by fags-in-the-shower July 31, 2005

1004πŸ‘ 701πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

1. One who looks like a cross between Big Bird, Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons, and a toucan.
2. See: attention-whore, one who has done nothing to get where she is, no talent, racist, stupid, spoiled.
3. Shallow people believe that those who see her for what she is - a stupid, untalented, skanky, uninteresting, ugly waste of space are fat and ugly and poor.

Nikki Ann: OMG Paris Hilton is so kewl! If u hate her ure fat and ugly and poor and jellous!
Me: I'm actually quite skinny, good-looking, and not jealous and not poor.

by Lucy February 24, 2005

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