a typo in the script of the movie avatar where they were supposed to say "this is Sparta!
"this is our land" was the worst waste of a perfect movie moment
Also Known As: The Land Of The Great Pishbulls
Where all the Pishbulls with SBL n SPL n Pishbulls Accent.
The area where cats come from. It is inside a "box". And can oly be entered through your cats litter tray, hence why they spend so much time there.
It is a very good place to be...
My cat wot let me go to cat land :(
One of the best albums from Abel Tesfaye (aka The Weeknd)
Track list:
1. Professional
2. The Town
3. Adaptation
4. Love In The Sky
5. Belong To The World
6. Live For
7. Wanderlust
8. Kiss Land
9. Pretty
10. Tears In The Rain
11. Wanderlust
12. Odd Look
Kiss Land is one of my favorite albums!
When you accidentally Dutch oven yourself when going to take a shit. Occurs when you're standing in front of the toilet to pull your pants down and then you fart... then you immediately sit down on the toilet to shit but your face is now where your butt just was when you just farted a couple seconds earlier.
Goddamn it, I had two cups of coffee and a bowl of yogurt with fiber cereal this morning and had to shit really bad. Then I inadvertently gave myself a Dutch Landing.
When a woman sits down on the toilet but didn't realize that the toilet's lid was down.
"I went to sit down on the toilet but I forgot to look to see if the lid was up. The toilet lid made contact with everything. EVERYTHING. It was like a snail's landing upon the toilet seat."
Gancho land is a type of authentic Burrito
Gancho land Burritos are the best