Consuming enough breast milk endocannabinoids to get sleepy (applies to infants, but we don't judge)
DAMN! Boo those titties are FIRE! They got me MILK STONED!!
Like a drunk dial, except calling someone when you're high
I should definitely stop stone calling girls and telling them how my dick is made out of concrete.
the same meaning as the word enterdrainment except your not in a zombie like mood from watchin too much tv,your in this state because of too much music.
this would apply to all you music producers out there you gotta feel me on this one.
Man i been writing music all day, im feelin a little sound stoned
a gang located in the middle of Lincoln University
"Those kids biking look scary mom."
"Yes honey that's because they're members of London Stone."
tough fucking way to say you are high, blazed, or stoned.
I was stiggidy stoned last night and I lit my entire leg on fire, it smelled so bad.
impervious to altruistic emotions
The scam artist was stone-hearted. He thought about his family, not humanity.
cool ass guitarist in the cool ass band pearl jam. wrote pretty much every pearl jam hit ever. once said “I write every song for Eddie, He’s my muse".
person 1: who's that guy playing guitar in front of 20k?
person 2: oh thats stone gossard!