Source Code

Seven-Course Meal

A burger and a six pack.

- What's for dinner?
- Seven-Course Meal
- 'merica!

by TheBiggestBossYouveSeenThusFar June 2, 2010

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

seven vein boner

An enormous erection with veins popping out that resembles a midget arm holding a potatoe

I hit her over the head with my seven vein boner & she got a mild concussion

by Doyle February 19, 2004

17πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

seven on my side

This expression is used to mean that you are not cowed or intimidated by anyone. You are in a position to stand up for yourself, strike back and/or take revenge on someone who is challenging you.

I'm gonna let the whole world see ... You gonna be on the news this evening, buddy. I'm gonna get seven on my side, watch.

by Joan Morales January 26, 2008

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Seven Minutes in Sarah

A game or event at college parties, in which each guy at the party gets seven minutes in Sarah. "Sarah" is the slut at the party who likes penis and doesn't mind getting STIs. Most guys love "Sarah" and many girls do not.

Let's play Seven Minutes in Sarah after we are finished playing beer pong.

Why haven't I gotten my Seven Minutes in Sarah yet??

by collegechick333 February 4, 2011

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

AK farty-seven

A fart that sounds like an AK - 47 assault rifle.

"Dude, your ass sounds like an AK farty-seven....wow."

by shankmaster 5000 August 31, 2009

20πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

ten twenty seven

absolutely hot as fuck and blows everyone out of the water when they walk into a room. The smile on a ten twenty seven can light up a room like nothing else.

DAMNNNNN Look at that guy over there he is definitely a ten twenty seven!

by the real legitness January 8, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Twenty Seven Up

To be 27'd up: Love to touch / be touched, holding hands, cuddle, give rubs, kissing the back of the neck, play with hair and spoon all night! ~ Wrapped up in you!

My absolutel favorite to do is to Twenty Seven Up (27’d UP) At the end of the day the city’s asleep, I'm wide awake with the girl of my dreams and all that we’ve got....is the only thing I'll ever need.

by michaelbchicago January 3, 2012

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