A hardcore vegetable eating cheese despising warrior of the new age. Commonly found in juice bars and mate cafes. If found in your local co-op: do not ask about soy-free vegenaise or nutritional yeast.
I was hiking and asked a dude for directions and he was totally Vegan G, offering me chia seeds trail mix and a German flax muffin.
Someone who eats a plant based diet based off the food of the animal they are eating.
Oh, no, I didn’t say I was a vegan, I said I was a vicarious vegan. My steak is grass fed. I’m plant based through his diet
Pesco-vegan diets formed by borrowing aspects of pescetarian/pesco-vegetarian & vegan diets.
PescoVegans ARE NOT vegan/vegetarian. By definition, a pesco-vegan qualifies as a pescetarian since they I incorporate seafood (fish &/or shellfish) into their diet sometimes AND choose to abstain from meat consumption (ie; mammals/red meat, other tetrapods/white meat & body tissue of other land animals)
Pesco-vegan diets forbid animal byproducts (ex: eggs & dairy); making it similar to seagan diets & the terms are sometimes interchanged. Pesco-vegans/Seagans often supplement their diets w/ seafood for motives of nutrition, medical issues, healthspan/lifespan longevity & wellbeing
Terminology Names:
Vegetarian = Portmanteau of “Vegetation” & “agrarian”. References vegetarians mainly eat vegetation
Vegan = Formed by narrowing “vegetarian” to only include the beginning & end. Name pattern might reference that options for vegans are narrower than it is for most vegetarians.
Pescetarian = Portmanteau of “pesce” (fish) & “vegetarian.” Name pattern references fish-inclusion (finnedfish &/or shellfish) in an otherwise vegetarian diet.
Pesco-vegan = Formed by affixing “pesco-” (pesco-vegetarian) to “vegan”. Name references it’s pescetarianism but more restrictive in that animal byproducts are eschewed
Seagan = Portmanteau of “Seafood” & “Vegan”. Similar to pesco-vegan or a form of pescovegan
Gen Zer: “None of my offspring, nieces, nephews, cousin’s kids eat meat anymore. They’re hard to cook holiday meals for because they all have different diets & preferences”
Boomer: “Well, I can’t even keep up with all these meatless diets that millennials and zoomers think are so great.”
Gen Zer: “It’s not too complicated. All meat abstainers are either vegetarian or pescetarian…”
Boomer: “That’s it?”
Gen Zer: “Not quite… CLASSIC-vegetarians don’t eat animals but do eat animal byproducts like eggs & dairy. LACTO-Vegetarians are similar but permit dairy & omit eggs. OVO-Vegetarians are similar but permit eggs & omit dairy. VEGAN-vegetarians won’t eat/use any animal sourced foods or products. CLASSIC-Pescetarians eat seafood sometimes but otherwise follow a classic-vegetarian diet. LACTO-Pescetarians permit dairy, not eggs. OVO-Pescetarians (incl: Pescans) permit eggs, not dairy. PESCO-VEGANS / SEAGAN-Pescetarians usually eat vegan but supplement their diet with seafood sometimes. HOPE THAT CLEARED THINGS UP!”
Boomer: “Clear as mud, thanks”
The act of masturbating with ones elbows, whilst using lettuce for texture.
Eyal: What did you do last night?
Finch: I bashed out a vegan wank in the garden
1. Someone very vocal in all things vegan but isn’t actually vegan even though he says he is vegan
He isn’t a vegan, I saw him chomping on a snickers....he is a verbal vegan
Someone who keeps forgetting that he is acting like he's a vegan..
The Forgetful Vegan......
"Man that sure was good pepperoni piz... Ahhh FUCK!
- Zach Galifianakis
Someone who isn’t a vegan but they act like one and reeks the vegan essence
Eloise is a spiritual vegan she eats meat but her instagram is full of pictures of trees!