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Vegan G

A hardcore vegetable eating cheese despising warrior of the new age. Commonly found in juice bars and mate cafes. If found in your local co-op: do not ask about soy-free vegenaise or nutritional yeast.

I was hiking and asked a dude for directions and he was totally Vegan G, offering me chia seeds trail mix and a German flax muffin.

by mr juggly April 12, 2013

Vicarious Vegan

Someone who eats a plant based diet based off the food of the animal they are eating.

Oh, no, I didn’t say I was a vegan, I said I was a vicarious vegan. My steak is grass fed. I’m plant based through his diet

by Spumoni November 4, 2020


Pesco-vegan diets formed by borrowing aspects of pescetarian/pesco-vegetarian & vegan diets.

PescoVegans ARE NOT vegan/vegetarian. By definition, a pesco-vegan qualifies as a pescetarian since they I incorporate seafood (fish &/or shellfish) into their diet sometimes AND choose to abstain from meat consumption (ie; mammals/red meat, other tetrapods/white meat & body tissue of other land animals)

Pesco-vegan diets forbid animal byproducts (ex: eggs & dairy); making it similar to seagan diets & the terms are sometimes interchanged. Pesco-vegans/Seagans often supplement their diets w/ seafood for motives of nutrition, medical issues, healthspan/lifespan longevity & wellbeing

Terminology Names:

Vegetarian = Portmanteau of “Vegetation” & “agrarian”. References vegetarians mainly eat vegetation

Vegan = Formed by narrowing “vegetarian” to only include the beginning & end. Name pattern might reference that options for vegans are narrower than it is for most vegetarians.

Pescetarian = Portmanteau of “pesce” (fish) & “vegetarian.” Name pattern references fish-inclusion (finnedfish &/or shellfish) in an otherwise vegetarian diet.

Pesco-vegan = Formed by affixing “pesco-” (pesco-vegetarian) to “vegan”. Name references it’s pescetarianism but more restrictive in that animal byproducts are eschewed

Seagan = Portmanteau of “Seafood” & “Vegan”. Similar to pesco-vegan or a form of pescovegan

Gen Zer: “None of my offspring, nieces, nephews, cousin’s kids eat meat anymore. They’re hard to cook holiday meals for because they all have different diets & preferences”

Boomer: “Well, I can’t even keep up with all these meatless diets that millennials and zoomers think are so great.”

Gen Zer: “It’s not too complicated. All meat abstainers are either vegetarian or pescetarian…”

Boomer: “That’s it?”

Gen Zer: “Not quite… CLASSIC-vegetarians don’t eat animals but do eat animal byproducts like eggs & dairy. LACTO-Vegetarians are similar but permit dairy & omit eggs. OVO-Vegetarians are similar but permit eggs & omit dairy. VEGAN-vegetarians won’t eat/use any animal sourced foods or products. CLASSIC-Pescetarians eat seafood sometimes but otherwise follow a classic-vegetarian diet. LACTO-Pescetarians permit dairy, not eggs. OVO-Pescetarians (incl: Pescans) permit eggs, not dairy. PESCO-VEGANS / SEAGAN-Pescetarians usually eat vegan but supplement their diet with seafood sometimes. HOPE THAT CLEARED THINGS UP!”

Boomer: “Clear as mud, thanks”

by IbreathAir October 24, 2022

Vegan Wank

The act of masturbating with ones elbows, whilst using lettuce for texture.

Eyal: What did you do last night?

Finch: I bashed out a vegan wank in the garden

by HALOTHANES November 11, 2018

verbal vegan

1. Someone very vocal in all things vegan but isn’t actually vegan even though he says he is vegan

He isn’t a vegan, I saw him chomping on a snickers....he is a verbal vegan

by TheVeganEdge December 8, 2020

Forgetful vegan

Someone who keeps forgetting that he is acting like he's a vegan..

The Forgetful Vegan......
"Man that sure was good pepperoni piz... Ahhh FUCK!
- Zach Galifianakis

by Yeahimcoollikethat November 9, 2010

Spiritual Vegan

Someone who isn’t a vegan but they act like one and reeks the vegan essence

Eloise is a spiritual vegan she eats meat but her instagram is full of pictures of trees!

by Thinkthink December 29, 2020