A valid subgroup of Veganism coined by Olivia Mora in 2001 to describe those who abstain from all animal products (eggs, cheese, casein, whey, honey, etc.) but do eat fish for its healthful benefits. A Vegan driven solely by the desire for optimal health - not animal rights, which is a completely secondary reason.
Vastly different from a pescetarian or a Vegitarian in that they share the exact same strict rules as Vegans to exclude all forms or derivatives of dairy and eggs from their diet and exclude all possible forms of cross contamination.
A Pesco Vegan diet is healthiest. Pesco Vegans save animal lives too, they just don't claim to be perfect. Pesco Vegans are more committed to their diet due to their desire of self preservation, not idealistic altruism. Pesco Vegans do anti-fur protests too. Pesco Vegans don't judge.
115đź‘Ť 59đź‘Ž
One who follows a diet that includes seafood like fish and shellfish but excludes all other animal products, including terrestrial meat, dairy products, fish, and animal by-products.
My pesco-vegan friend loved sashimi too much to give it up. Also see sushi!
135đź‘Ť 96đź‘Ž
Pesco-vegan diets formed by borrowing aspects of pescetarian/pesco-vegetarian & vegan diets.
PescoVegans ARE NOT vegan/vegetarian. By definition, a pesco-vegan qualifies as a pescetarian since they I incorporate seafood (fish &/or shellfish) into their diet sometimes AND choose to abstain from meat consumption (ie; mammals/red meat, other tetrapods/white meat & body tissue of other land animals)
Pesco-vegan diets forbid animal byproducts (ex: eggs & dairy); making it similar to seagan diets & the terms are sometimes interchanged. Pesco-vegans/Seagans often supplement their diets w/ seafood for motives of nutrition, medical issues, healthspan/lifespan longevity & wellbeing
Terminology Names:
Vegetarian = Portmanteau of “Vegetation” & “agrarian”. References vegetarians mainly eat vegetation
Vegan = Formed by narrowing “vegetarian” to only include the beginning & end. Name pattern might reference that options for vegans are narrower than it is for most vegetarians.
Pescetarian = Portmanteau of “pesce” (fish) & “vegetarian.” Name pattern references fish-inclusion (finnedfish &/or shellfish) in an otherwise vegetarian diet.
Pesco-vegan = Formed by affixing “pesco-” (pesco-vegetarian) to “vegan”. Name references it’s pescetarianism but more restrictive in that animal byproducts are eschewed
Seagan = Portmanteau of “Seafood” & “Vegan”. Similar to pesco-vegan or a form of pescovegan
Gen Zer: “None of my offspring, nieces, nephews, cousin’s kids eat meat anymore. They’re hard to cook holiday meals for because they all have different diets & preferences”
Boomer: “Well, I can’t even keep up with all these meatless diets that millennials and zoomers think are so great.”
Gen Zer: “It’s not too complicated. All meat abstainers are either vegetarian or pescetarian…”
Boomer: “That’s it?”
Gen Zer: “Not quite… CLASSIC-vegetarians don’t eat animals but do eat animal byproducts like eggs & dairy. LACTO-Vegetarians are similar but permit dairy & omit eggs. OVO-Vegetarians are similar but permit eggs & omit dairy. VEGAN-vegetarians won’t eat/use any animal sourced foods or products. CLASSIC-Pescetarians eat seafood sometimes but otherwise follow a classic-vegetarian diet. LACTO-Pescetarians permit dairy, not eggs. OVO-Pescetarians (incl: Pescans) permit eggs, not dairy. PESCO-VEGANS / SEAGAN-Pescetarians usually eat vegan but supplement their diet with seafood sometimes. HOPE THAT CLEARED THINGS UP!”
Boomer: “Clear as mud, thanks”
One who follows a strict Vegan Diet:
no beef, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, honey or gelatin while avoiding wearing/buying/owning fur, down, silk & leather.
with the ONLY exception being the consumption fish (i.e. farm raised salmon or tuna)
Vegetarians & Pescetarians may eggs and dairy.
Vegans & Pesco-Vegans do not eat eggs or dairy, honey or gelatin. They avoid wearing/buying/owning fur, down, silk & leather.
52đź‘Ť 51đź‘Ž
A creature that does not exist. It is impossible to be vegan and eat fish. It is like saying you are an Atheist-Christian.
V- I'm vegan.
PV- Oh really? I'm a pesco-vegan!
V- ?
75đź‘Ť 150đź‘Ž