Source Code

G Major 3

A Effect from hell

G Major 3 is Addicted to Creepypasta.

by mp2278 October 12, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The 3 Pillars of Pervianity

the three aspects of a girl by which she should be measured:

dave: what would you rate her?

ahmed : she scores very highly on all the 3 pillars of pervianity

by robbo13 December 16, 2011

UTMV (Generation 3)

*3rd Gen.*

Within weeks, or even months, according to Nic, Jerry' said something that has offended Ejm, even tho that was a lie, she left the server. Even tho she was the temporarily owner, she left the server regardless of the consequences and the aftermath that would come right on in within that action, that single action that would make that game turn into an abiss. The entire team totally colapsed from the server, but Nic decided to ruin the server, deleting the rules and the verification channel (which was the ONLY way to get access to the full server.). They even banned, warned and kicked people for no reason, and they were ruining everything only because they were the classic "do what everyone does" type of person. Everything was shattered. That is how the gold days were just another memory to get in the back of your head and nothing else. The server was raided by it's own team, for no reason. All of the old team members left even before this event was going to happen, all of them left for the same reason. Stress, drama, overworking themselves, and so on. A lot of people were happy that Utmv went down, because it's staff was bad in general, tho it's owner had nothing to do with it, which made quite a few people get pity for him. The golden days were no more, and the nostalgic staff members were not to be found on the staff. This project might not be fully doomed, there may still be hope, but only time will tell.

Person 3: Drama after Drama, When do you think it'll end?
Person 4: Soon enough, It will stop and everything will go back to normal.
UTMV (Generation 3)

by Kobby Robert Sheldon August 21, 2022

bones <3

hawtest twink to exist. berry kewl and can pull any bitch he wants.

person: ayo, look it's bones

person 2: ew. lmao. look miss gurl it's bone- AYO WHERE TF MY GF AT

person: she's right there๐Ÿ™„ next to bones

person 2: FAWK

bones <3: lmao ogey

by not bones<3 March 24, 2021

3 doigts vers le haut

Femme fidรจle a un seul homme

3 doigts vers le haut Femme fidele

by Kinoooo September 15, 2022

Pi 3:14

The banned Book of Pi, chapter 3, verse 14, where the prophet wrote: โ€œI have seen and experienced all beautiful, irrational, imaginary, metamathematical, transcendental, and sacred things about the number ฯ€ under the sun; all of them are man-made and meaningless, a chasing after the next mathematical shiny object.โ€

Does Pi 3:14 sound like a mathematical equivalent of Ecclesiastes 1:14, where King Solomon with all his wisdom and wealth concluded that all is vanity?

by Fasters January 13, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

char <3

always lets me rant

ALWAYS speed dances!!
super super sweet!

i love char <3 /p

by may <3 September 26, 2021