Same as retard strength except it is a bit weaker. Also note that boomer strength is stronger then normie strength.
Albert: I can't seem to open this jar of pickles
Ally: Ask grandpa Joe
Albert: oh yeah! you're right he has boomer strength
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A person who was born after the baby boomer generation, but feels sympathetic towards boomers, doesn't have any friends his age and usually hangs out with boomers, listens to music from the baby boomer era, and shares interests with the many boomers he's around. Usually thinks he is smarter, older, and more experienced than his peers and thinks he learns more from boomers than actual education. Thinks he is tough and smart, although he cannot take jokes and gets offended if anyone even jokes about baby boomers. Basically, a white knight, but for baby boomers.
Person 1: "Boomers need to stop thinking we're so stupid if they don't even know how to use the internet."
Person 2: "Shut up or I won't talk to you again! They're smarter than you think!"
Person 1: "Quit being a fucking boomer boy."
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When an old person hits, slaps or shakes something to make it work again and it has the desired effect. The item fixed should have no logical reason to work better or be fixed from this action, as such Boomer Magic is a form of Situational Irony that is entirely unappreciated by the old person performing it.
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Old Man Jack was watching the Television with his favourite Grandson. Unfortunately, he had turned his hearing aid to it's maximum setting but was still unable to hear clearly. Also, the old man was not able to turn the volume up any higher on the TV despite pushing the button as hard as he could and shaking the remote indignantly at the screen.
"The remote needs new batteries Granddad", chimed the young boy.
"Nonsense!, I replaced these last week!", Jack thought to himself as he took the remote in his hand and slapped it three times in his palm. He was now able to effortlessly turn up the volume of his favorite show, Antiques Roadshow.
His young Grandson looked on in disbelief, "Buh...Buh... Boomer Magic...".
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is another family friendly way to say covid 19 in your youtube videos
person 1:have you heard of the covi-
person 2: you mean boomer consumer?
person 1:why are you saying boomer consumer instead of covi-
person 2:is more family friendly
person 1:oh
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A song, movie, or event originating from the boomer era that is banging or slaps hard for old and young people.
Jacob: What is this song?
Jeff: This song slaps hard af
Karen: Lowkey this is a boomer banger
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A word some ignorant, emotionally undisciplined, arrogant young people use to dismiss valid, logical evidence-supported points made by someone a bit older than them.
22 year old: "Capitalism is bullshit, it's a system where billionaires live in luxury off the hard work of workers who get paid slave wages. It's time to get rid of the obscenely wealthy 1% and spread their wealth to the hard working people! Socialism is the answer!
32 year old: "Billionaires typically don't steal their wealth (except maybe for Russian oligarchs), billionaires like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk got rich by giving people what they wanted. They started huge companies that created thousands of jobs and improved technology for the masses. They earned their money by offering millions of people products and services (and jobs), and the people voluntarily accepted. There was no robbery taking place, which is what you're advocating: robbing the rich and giving to the poor."
22 year old: "ok boomer" (in other words, I have no rational response to what you said so I'll just draw draw attention to the fact that you're older than me. I don't know how age is relevant but I don't want to admit that you're right because my tender delicate little ego won't permit it. )
34đź‘Ť 37đź‘Ž
A response when you don’t have the time or energy to correct or explain something to someone older. Often times older people are more entrenched in their views and experiences that explaining something falls on deaf ears (no pun intended). Hence a lot of conversation about things like the environment, (work place etiquette, gender equality, intermittent fasting, what’s considered hate speech and what’s socially acceptable, the hiring process, etc) leads nowhere. So save yourself the headache and yelling by saying “ok, boomer” and leave. It’s important to note that as Gen X ages (generation after boomers), it can apply to them as well. It’s basically what you say when explaining/debating a topic isn’t worth the effort anymore.
Boomer giving advice: "Just call/go in and ask if they're hiring!"
Someone looking for a real job: “you can’t, you have to submit your resumé online first or they’ll turn you away at the door”
Boomer giving advice: “We used to just walk in and ask to see the hiring manager, go try that!”
Someone looking for a real job: “...ok, boomer”
Clueless boomer: “I don’t see why Jews are so pissed off about a few cartoons poking fun at them or that parade in Aalst (Belgium) where people wear some silly costumes?”
Respectful citizen: “Because it’s completely anti-Semitic, and it’s likening them to ants! Literally! And do you not remember how the holocaust started? It’s the little things!”
Clueless boomer: “ya but it’s a once a year festival that’s hundreds of years old that pokes fun at everyone. It’s all in good spirit”
Respectful citizen: “...ok boomer, I have to go. Covid-19 is coming and I need more toilet paper, don’t have time to debate this.”
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