Source Code

mens where

what daz black says when it’s in the middle of know where

melissa - where are literally in the middle of knowwhere

ava - yeah it’s called mens where

by being dazzling daz February 25, 2022

No Men March

Everyone break up with your boyfriends, it’s women season!

It’s No Men March, so I broke up with Daniel. Now I’m gay.

by Abbiefigueroa December 30, 2019

men in skirts


men in skirts are cute

by GayPersonWithNoLife July 3, 2022


female jiz, cum, ejaculatory fluid, semen, etc.

The smell of your semen and my she-men smells oddly like pretzel rods. Why does our sex smell like foods?

by tori.jo November 4, 2010

men suit

Pubic hair on your body, specialy chest.

-- Guys went swimming. --
Paul: Aren't you cold?
Mark: No way, I wear my men suit.

by johnymachine September 14, 2009

X men

They have alot of ex's.

woah x men.

by pssssssssssssssssse October 30, 2020

Men need to...

In all seriousness... Women need to shutbthe fuck about about what men "need to do." I don't NEED to do anything and if MY DICK doesn't have YOUR SALIVA on it... You don't have any authority to be telling me what I NEED to do. Why do I need to do *blank*? For what? YOU!? No!

A bitch "Men need to..."

Hym "Ope! If you finish the sentence I get to tell women what they 'need to do' "

A bitch "...."

Hym "No, go ahead."

A bitch "...."

Hym "Seriously! Men need to... What? Whatbdo men need to do?"

A bitch "....."

Hym "And women need to what? What do women need to do? Does it involve throwing me some booty? I bet it does! I bet you 1 million dollars it involves booty."

by Hym Iam August 15, 2023