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porcelain pit

a toilet, typically with great depth to contain splash water.

Hey, I like how the new porcelain pit has tall walls for even the nastiest of dumps.

by nero11 February 25, 2008

Thunder pits

Sweaty hairy armpits

Wow! Gianna’s Thunder pits are dripping sweat!!

by Ms. Pickleson January 4, 2021

Bitch pits

When your hair in your armpits exceeds the length of a vaginas.

Sees someone with excessive armpit hair....
"Excuse me sir, did you notice you have bitch pits?"

by MrsRevJack73016ifYaNasf February 11, 2018

Bensalem’s Pit

A bunch of weirdos or nerds that play in the BHS Marching Band. You’ll find a lot of people in a group like this, maybe some ginger or a gay guy, or some guy who’s named Ryan. But most likely, you’ll find a bunch of cool dudes that can’t count tempo, but are really comedic. They usually have a yearly joke they do, as this year’s joke was a product called Flex Tape by Phil Swift.

“Did you see Bensalem’s Pit, guys?”

“Yeah, I have no idea what strange things they’re going to do today.”

by BuckymanBTown November 12, 2018

tit to pit

When you and another person are squished together so that your boob is against their armpit, or vice versa. Typically used when standing in a crowded place, like the student section at a football game.

Can you scoot over? Nat and I are tit to pit over here!

by Sadhuh September 10, 2017

Pit Baby

Someone that lacks even the slightest intimation of decency or appropriate behavior, as if they were dumped in a deep pit upon birth and spent their whole life without any structure, education, or decent role models. Hence why they act like a complete dipshit neanderthal that lives each day on pure instinct.

My date ended poorly when the man got drunk, dove head first into the table, and then began humping a street lamp like a god damn pit baby.

by Ray Castle December 17, 2018

Thug Pit

when you're getting high with a bunch of homies

-Man that thug pit last night was siiiick dawgg.

*Yeah i know man, we were hella blownn.

by CillyPriscila February 11, 2010