Most things here for Twilight are written by people who are completely biased against it, and want to make sure whoever reads their definitions will join their little army. It's pathetic, so I will write mine as unbiased as I can (I will still write my opinions though).
This is a book written by Stephenie Meyer that has taken the hearts of teenage girls (and boys, possibly) everywhere across the country. I personally think it is very good, though some people think it isn't. I think that they think they can't like it because it's so popular and they don't want to be part of the crowd.
Bella Swan is a clumsy 17 year old that moves to the rainy town of Forks, from Phoenix. She meets Edward Cullen, who appears to hate her, though he saves her from being crushed by a truck. Eventually, it turns out the he is a vampire and she smells better to him than anyone else in the world. For some strange reason, this means that he loves her, and she loves him right back. In the first book, another vampire, James, chases Bella to Phoenix and attempts to kill her. Edward saves her. They go to the prom, even though Bella INSISTS that they don't.
Now this is my opinion. I'm not saying you have to agree with it.
I don't like Bella because she HATES with a strong, strong passion: presents, dancing, parties, groups of people, good attention, boys liking her, money being spent on her, etc. etc. etc.
Edward, I also don't like because he hates Jacob so much, and has no real reason to. Jacob loves Bella too. Oooooh, what a crime.
No offense to edward and bella lovers.
*Jacob is not even close to being a main character in the first book, but after that, he is. In case you're confused why people talk about him, and you've only read the first book.
The fight between Team Edward and Team Jacob from the Twilight series will never end.
4๐ 26๐
An amazing book written by Stephanie Meyer that includes many action scenes and a LOT of detail. All the people that have not read it, you should. Don't make assumptions by what the DUMB, STUPID, FREAKING IDIOTIC people on this website say. In Twilight it tells about how they fall in love and what a connection they have together. In New Moon, it is how he feels that by being with her, it could endanger her life and how she loves him deeply. In Eclipse, it is about how she becomes part of the family and how the ALL love her like a 'sister'. Except for Edward of course. In Breaking Dawn, it's about how they feel about each other and how they put that love into... and how much a mother cares about her child and how the love triangle is broken. All of the brats out there that say young girls only like it because they think Edward is hot, you are wrong. All of the girls that I know that have read it think he is one of the ugliest people EVER!!! So butt off brats!
It's Edward. He's going to the Volturi. He thinks you're dead, he wants to die too. - Twilight, New Moon
4๐ 26๐
The best book on the whole entire planet and is now a movie who's main characters are Robert pattinson HOTTEST GUY ON THE PLANET and Kristen stewart PRETTY AMERICAN ACTRESS.
OMG have you read twilight best movie on the entire planet you have got to read it
36๐ 377๐
A book that is believed to only be read by hormonal 13 year old girls who don't appreciate literature and think that Edward Cullen is "HAWT". Some would say that this book is cliche and only popular because tweenies are obsessed with Edward. However, this belief is a cliche in itself.
In truth, the writing is not great, the plot is at times bizarre and yes, slightly cliche. But, all those out there that think that every individual who enjoys Twilight is dense or some "misunderstood" tween are quite wrong.The main character Bella is infectious. The books have an endearing simplicity to them.It may not be a deep piece of literature that will go down in history, but why should that matter if a person truly enjoys the books? (And this is coming from someone who loves Jane Austen, JD Salenger, Charles Dickinson, Anthony Burgess, Earnest Hemingway, Ray Bradbury and even JK Rowling)It is a cliche to say these things because there are those, that read the books before the hype and don't just "relate" to the books because of they are lonely teenage "fat chicks"People love to hate Twilight because it shows how non-conformist they are. It's easy to hate something that is popular, it's hard to take constant judgment for liking something because of it's popularity.
"You don't like Twilight do you?"
"Yes, yes I do."
*rolls eyes*
3๐ 18๐
I must admit that Twilight is a bit of the craze atm and alot of people are saying that the book is crap, but i dont believe that, i've read them and i think there fantastic. They can get very addicting.
Not everyone is a classic 'Edward Cullen' Fan, He plays a great roll though. They say it has no plot or its pretty pathetic ruins the whole series for people. but really, we all have our love stories where we would do anything for anyone we love, its no different to any normal human being.
Some people do believe it is naturally just a good love story not just all about Edward, and by people putting up stuff sayings it crap and pathetic, i mean have half of the people who say bad stuff about it actually read all the books? Or are they just saying it because there over everyone saying 'OMG Edward is Hot' ?
They also say he's the popular hot guy when really he may be hot but he isn't really popular, he is always with his family and only parts when he meets bella.
I think people should really give Stephanie Meyer a little bit more credit.
Everyone has there own beliefs and cultures and so does she. Plus if vampires arent really real then wats the difference in someone making a different version on the beliefs of vampires.?
Just because it isnt the same as the normal blood sucking horror movie
vampire cultures.
Stephanie Meyer shares her own creative side to things, she's an imaginative writer, its just fiction, think people should really get over it.
Just another love story.
Get Passed the Edward Cullen Part and move on. Twilight is really a great series.
8๐ 68๐
The first novel in the extremely popular series by Stephanie Meyer.
Okay, first of all, the book is extremely cliche and provides little to no literary technique. After just a few chapters, it was clear that the plot was undeveloped and more or less just a way to develop characters.
However...I, along with many others, could care less about the plot development or technique. The story of this book WAS cliche and easy to predict...but that's why we, the fans, love it. Everyone loves the story of the normal, nice girl getting the perfect man and triumphing over evil; everyone loves and/or desires that wonderful Romeo & Juliet/"I'm-desperate-without-you" love that we see bloom in Twilight.
It is a good story. It is one that has pieces that everyone can predict, yes, but isn't that why we love it? It is a classic love story.
"I hate Twilight so much! Bella is always whining and her boyfriend(s) are so obsessed with her for no reason! Plus, the book is a piece of garbage!"
-"Have you ever even read it?"
2๐ 10๐
A book about a 17-year-old girl who falls in love with a vampire that does not eat humans. Along the way she also falls in love with an Indian werewolf named Jacob.
This is a normal entry.
If people hate Twilight so much, why would they waste their time making stuff about how much they hate it?
Twilight is a book written by Stephanie Meyer
2๐ 10๐