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The land of dis dick

A place where women and fags go to have non-stop anal sex, generally used as an insult or joke.

Bob: Say you goin today?
Jim: Where?
Bob: The land of dis dick.

Paul: Hey Jack I saw you walking the other day
Jack: where
Paul: To the land of dis dick.

by Disdickinyaass June 10, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pon Di Riva

Patois(Patwa) For upon The river

ey mi fi go pon di riva

by Rasta1896 November 27, 2010

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Milk Dis Cow

A phrase or expression originated and used by a oahu group of delinquents, to instigate a combatant in a altercation.

Bryson yells to Chase "Milk Dis Cow!!"

by MEGA_HAMMAH June 21, 2019


The urge to Ejaculate in one's Braces.

Past Tense: Broced.
Present Tense: Bricing.

People of a Disorder name: Brogers

Females: Brogettes

Jimbo the Knowledger ejaculated in Hannah's Braces because he has Brace-Dis-Order.

He Broced on her Braces!β€”-Brogasm

by G-Rone The Confessoure! March 19, 2019

Di na crushback


Haha di na crushback

by Haha tanga August 25, 2021

Reh Di Kay

Another way to say the abbreviation β€œIDK”
Its said to quickly respond to an answer.
Or just to piss people off

Friend: β€œJohn, dis you take out the trash like I asked you?”

Other friend: β€œREH DI KAY”

by carti guardian May 14, 2023

Ray Liotta Died

When someone repeats something or posts something (meme or current event) in a group chat that’s been said already. Began when several members of the Huddle Buddies fantasy football group chat continuously posted articles of gangster movie icon Ray Liotta’s death

In the group chat:
Lamar: (posts news article as it breaks)
30 minutes later:
Tyrone: (posts an article about the same topic)
Lamar: Ray Liotta died

by Giftcurse October 1, 2022