The filming or cinema of coagulation. Usually a common Middle age’d man American hobby. The word is brought back to its Latin terms coagulation-content.
Example - “Bro did you see the new coagulating Tent on my space yesterday?!”
A person with a vagina nowadays,has a seemingly homeless girl tan, looks like she's been around the block 5 thousand times to all her "guy" friends, has a crackhead mentality without even knowing, hates showers , says the word "girl" way too much, and speaks with a southern accent.
Look at all those tent city chicks selling them selves.
The act of getting an unexpected erection typically caused by the sight of a beautiful girl.
He looked at his phone and ended up pitching a tent!
He was pitching a tent when he saw her in that bikini
A tent that holds the most divine prestigious phallus known the the gods of Olympus.
Wow Gary has a golden tent! Beautiful.
Having a rock-hard boner —usually involuntarily, and often a teenage phenomenon.
“Bra, I was seriously pitching tent when that bombshell entered the sauna... I couldn’t help it bra.”
The male act of masturbating, mainly upon awakening, with Vicks vapor rub instead of lube or lotion.
“Man! I woke up with such a huge boner, there was no lube nearby so I pulled a quick Vicks rub tent.”
“Honey, have you seen my Vicks vapor rub?”
“Yes dear, Johnny said he needed it for his Vick’s rub tent!”