To lemon teabag means for a beautiful lady to receive oral with her partners face under her, as in the common phrase taco dip, similar to to the male form of teabagging. See karma sutra positions 170, 146 and 158 for reference.
Why don't you come over so we can watch some david attenborough documentaries and I can lemon teabag you?
"I sucked on my girl's vampire teabag last night and pulled it out of her like a party popper"
Not wiping yourself after taking a shit and giving someone a teabag
He broke into my house as I was taking a shit so I tackled and streaking teabagged him
When one is too lazy to actually sit on one's knees and follow through with normal teabagging. The teabagger sucks on the teabaggee's adam's apple on their throat in the process of giving a hickey to this region.
"Man, that chick lazy teabagged me on the dancefloor! Now I pop my collar cuz I have to!"
"I was lazy teabagging him so hard he HAD to wear that scarf I made him!"
A teabag accompanied by a fart of either the dry or wet varieties directed at or near the face.
Don't just give your sleeping friend a boring regular teabag, spice things up by trying a windy teabag instead!
Jim woke up after the party with a brown streak on his face, it may have been a windy teabag, but only the dozens of videos taken will tell.
Containing 2 members both wearing top hats, one will place a PG tips teabag into the rectum of the other, and decant hot water from their mouth to the other member's rectum. They will then let the tea soak in. The "Tea Giver" will then lay under the "Teapot" and then allow the tea to flow into the Tea givers mouth, which is already filled with sugar.
Chase - Can we use Tetley for the British Teabag?
EDP445 - I only like PG Tips.
Like regular 'teabag' but with a ginger bawsack doing the dipping
Aye, I gied her the deep fried teabag last night