1) A creature part cow, part fly, part pure awesomeness. Usually found in the hottest night clubs and parties. Also seen when completely wasted. Cause they exist Ooo! And CAN I GET A MOO MOO!? pretty please...
2) A word uncommonly used to describe anyone who is cool
3) The coolest thing ever, besides me... duh!
The Moo Fly deemed me awesome! And I my Mom is letting me wear pull-ups now! Cause I'm a big boy now! I'm special...
Given that the dragonfly is the most bi-curious of all God's creatures, the act of dragon-flying involves a bi-curious young man observing like-minded individuals with the desire of coupling.
Brian got a little tipsy at the club last night and started dragon-flying on all the guys there.
A large mixed male preferably black and asian doing the sky diver on a very small female
Isaac and beyonce were doing the flying panda while rihana was video taping
Eggman's flying ship from Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Yo, dude, Sonic the Hedgehog blew up the Flying Battery!
The aroma of a housefly after it hits a halogen bulb.
The sweet smell of "fried fly" filled the den and everyone denied farting.
A somersault used by pirates to get out of cleaning duty.
Captain: I don't know what we're gonna do about Skippy. I asked him to mop the deck, but the kid is a master of the Flying Ajax.