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Carter Fanta

A typical retard who has a lot of pimples and plays Fortnite all day but is still a bot at it. Who drives the battle bus and typical dates tiny Chinese girls named Evan who helps him bc he’s to retarded

That’s a retard must be Carter Fanta

by CarterFanta6969 February 18, 2019

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Playboy Carter

A playboi carti knock-off

Person 1: You heard that new Mario Judah song? Sounds just like playboi carti!
Person 2: Mario Judah is a fuckin Playboy Carter

by julano December 12, 2020

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ky carter

Ky Carter is a handsome young man, who has a big willy. He is very attractive and with Lacey Ball.

Ky Carter is a hottie.

by LaceyBallFan4Life August 24, 2021

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clinton-carter is an old victorian name , they where called the CC's . some believe they where hired by queen victoria and her family to clean washing and other basic jobs , they where not slaves as such as they didnt get paid or have accomidation they were just forced to complete basic takes when victoria her self told them to. Queen victoria reffered to them as the best ass cleaners off all time and that she enjoyed them cleaning her fieces. The most famous Clinton-carter was alex clinton-carter AKA. cheesy . he was believed to be a young gay male who wasnt accepted so queen victoria took him in as one off his own on the conditions that he was to clean and wipe her arse ect.....

alex clinton-cater left victoria when she died , he was 17 years off age . not long after alex clinton-carter was killed by the dawlish massive who back then where a small group off people who tried to kill the queen

by mikey mc p July 9, 2011

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Jimmy Carter

The vanilla Obama.

Higher unemployment more government dependency, weakness, hostages held until the administration is over. It's the vanilla Obama Jimmy Carter

by Gregaroidson. June 12, 2017

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Josh Carter

One of the most revered commenters on collegehumor.com

Also, the star of many funny internet videos like "Fran," "Texas Tech T-Shirt Commercial" and "Hardly Working: High School Friend"

Person 1: Hey did you see that awesome new video from Josh Carter?

Person 2: Yes and it was the best thing I ever have seen in my LIFE!

by johnny drama! April 3, 2008

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Jimmy Carter

A dickwad douchebag who completely ruins a Nation!

Jimmy Carters Speech:

I want to make the whole Unites States Of America to be a Nation filled with bastards just like me.

by *...Nukin...* September 19, 2007

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