Muss Bus
Derived from the Latin word of Musser and describes one that takes a luggage cart and rides it around as if he were the conductor on a train.
Jason: Is that really Patrick pulling a Muss Bus and really trying to pick up Cd while he is honking his horn.
Someone who you talk to and see on the bus and is your bestie for the restie
Oh that my bus bestie I always see her on the bus
A bus job is a blowjob that is received on a bus ride back from a basketball game, normally a few seats behind the coaches. Most of the time the person receiving a bus job gets it from his best friends girlfriend. This person normally proceeds to get into a fight with his friend.
Didn’t Jaden Perry get a Bus Job his freshman year?
In sales, a person who enters "the be back bus" is a person who say they'll "be back," when they generally have no plans to actually come back. A common example occurs with car sales. A person may insist they are coming back to the dealership to buy the car, while they have no intention of doing so and use it as a scapegoat excuse, despite sounding very convincing. Sometimes people on "the be back bus" do actually come back, however more often than not, the be back bus crashes hard and the customer never comes back.
Damn, I thought that customer was going to call me back today, they promised they would! Must've boarded the be back bus!
Oh-taw-koo boo
1. Also known as an obu (oh-boo), is a nomadic cosplaying merchant that sells anime, manga, and other asain related merch, or items with a nostalgic aesthetic (swag). They tend to dress up as their an unique cosplay or original character. Selling mainly to gamers, weeabus, and, or otakus.
2. In Western lamens terminology, it is the combination of the otaku and weeabu. It's one who has a balanced healthy obsession fore a skill or hobby and have a job unlike their weeaboo prediscesor. Though Primarily interested in the weeaboo cringe culture and stereotype, which they tend to find fascinating and embrace. Drawing inspiration from these degenerates which they admire to an extent.
3. The Opposite of Weeaboo.
Calls themself a
When on duty, as a merchant, reffered to as an,
⏺️obu merch,
Never reffered to themselves as otaku or otakubu.
4. One whom respects Japanese culture as well as other asain culture. knows Japan is not a superior country. understands the difference between Anime and reality are two separate things. Isn't into mainstream anime culture, similar to a hipster, but less pretentious. One that is self aware, as to being highly spiritual. Usually endulges in mild drugs such as weed, alcohol-usually kombucha, tobacco, and mild psychodelics.
Being Defined
1. Beca: "Pete is on duty as an Otaku-Bu when selling merch to weebs:
2. "I only call myself an
Otaku-Bu when asked of my profession or while I'm working, as a merchant. When I'm Off duty I'm just a Weeb or a weeaboo."
3. Peter: "This guy at my college called himself an Otaku-Bu and I called him a Dweeb-abu for being a lying Garfunkel fuck. Like most weebs, he got offended and took his fustration out on his body pillow waifu."
4. "I don't mind being called a Weeaboo for I embrace what I am as an Otaku-Bu"
You're moving way too fast. I.e. you meet some one online and they tell you that they love you a few hour after you text them, or send you few photos of themselves to get an idea who they are talking too.
you need to slow down...youre moving way too fast...
randomly taking a bus to a random stop and taking another random bus from there! for funzies! the more u hop, the more awesome it gets!!! preferable done with a partner hopper!
Babu: Hey, look! Shall we get on that random bus right noW??
Juju: OhmygOD yes!! WE are prob the first to do this!!
Babu: Have you never heard of bus hopping?
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