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social life

torture dressed as fun

Don't mind the ribbing man, it's just that social life...

by wriggler February 21, 2005

273๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Anxiety

Afraid of people, beeing verry self-consciousness always feeling there's something wrong with you and that you're are watched by somebody all the time and you always fear that your peers will judge your actions. Living with social anxiety disorder sucks terribly!!! You want to do something but you can't.. you know that your fear is irational but you can't do nothing about it, something like a mental cage. SOCIAL ANXIETY SUCKS AND I HAVE THE WORST TYPE OF SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER! The one were you're afraid to go outside, talk to friends, strangers, talking on the phone and even chating with people online! How fucked up is that!?!?! ;( . And were not some crazy psychos! We're just normal people that want to do what normal people do, but we have a stupid mental disorder that makes us feel a completly irational fear that won't go away!.Most of the time we only remember the negative remarks that people said about us and usualy those toughts remain in our minds for weeks. We're not emos or goths!!! they don't have damn clue how it is to live with this shit. Social anxiety is like a fear and pain that won't go away!!NEVER!! And most people don't understand us! If you're a person that doesn't have Social Anxiety disorder, you're probably saying somethin like: ahahahaha what a sad fuck!! It's not like that!! We never wanted to have this stupid disorder. We feel lonely, isolated and barren inside :(

Gabriel only wanted to be like everyone else:
-to play sports such as football/basketball or any sport with a bunch of kids his age;
-to be just like everyone else and don't stand out in a crowd;
-to go to parties and have a good time with friends and meet new people;
-to graduate highschool;
Alas, he will never achive this things since he suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder and has isolated himself from his friends and the world for years ;(

by Gabriel. May 10, 2006

379๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

social security

A pretty bad deal, expect less than a 1% return on your 12.4% payroll tax. Also, reduces the ability and incentive to save for retirement. Involves no creation of wealth, and the Supreme Court ruled that you have no right to social security funds, thus your benefits are highly politized. Maybe its time to start thinking about taking care of ourselves...

we would all be better off without this intergenerational redistribution of wealth

by youknow2 May 9, 2005

167๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

social ladder

social ladder โ€“ n. Metaphorical ladder that nonlosers are continuously trying to climb.
analogy The social ladder is like Mount Everest: Lots of people try to climb (be popular), but few reach the top (become popular). At any point you can fall into a crevice (fall off the ladder), or fall victim to hypothermia, starvation, fratricide, etc. (drugs, alcohol, fratricide, etc.) and die (die). Also, getting to the top is completely pointless, unless you really want your name to be known. Except that nobody remembers who climbed Mount Everest anyway.

see my definition of loser

by cardenio April 6, 2005

234๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

social experiment

Synonym for prank that assholes use to deflect any responsibility.
Very rarely used to describe actual experiments.

Asshole: *shoots dog*
Dog Owner: Dude what the fuck
Asshole: Don't worry dude it's just a social experiment.

by Gamer Eevee April 25, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Vegitarian

One who doesn't have beef with anyone else.

Lucy: Let's start a rumor about someone!
Sally: No, I'm a social vegitarian. I can't do anything that may cause me to have beef with others.

by nayberhoodkid September 24, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

social credit

As to keep the glory of the CCP , the Chinese government decided to have the new currency : social credit . This will allow them not to only take control of every single transaction but also to filter out people that against the law . Want to have social credit is not that easy , you need a sharp mind and extensive knowledge of Chinese history . You will either take a test or fight against Chinese celebrities like Zhong Xina or Super Idol , Eggman and lots of people , as you choice to have high or low social credit . Each year there will be a reset so everyone's social credit go down to 0 . "CCP Festival" are held every year . Winner keeps their credit , loser lose all . That's just some of the information about the Chinese government .

*proceed to sing super idol*
"There , I sang super idol"
"Here's your 10 social credits , thanks for serving and glory to the CCP"

by JustAnIdiotPostingSomeShit March 9, 2022

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž