To have sexual intercourse with a model.
I bottle pop, I model pop
Pull up on them bikes, let the throttle pop - Meek Mill
When a member of Law Enforcement discharges their issued weapon inside a club or dancing establishment typically after a long night of drinking and trying to impress a Tinder date.
Did you guys see that FBI agent do a back flip and drop his gun? Yea he totally ripped a “club pop” off when he went to pick his gun up.
FBI Agent : Nah girl its all good its called a “Club Pop” we do em all the time...YO MURPH! When was your last club pop?
Murph : Two weeks ago bruh! Hella tight man! You opted for the ground level club pop when most peeps go for the ceiling...Strong choice braheem! You should prolly go buy that guy you hit a beer though bruh....
When u pop up your skateboard on your dick like a giant boner with wheels.
Jack:no balls you won't pop a Skoner in math class Matt:Bet
Arriving at a pre-determined destination for a physical altercation with an individual you have beef with
Person 1- I heard Tyrone talkin shit about you blood
Person 2- tell that nigga he can pop up for the smoke
V is officially Ace of k-pop. He's been known for years as Ace of k-pop by fans and media thanks to his talents. He has been awarded the ace of k-pop. He produced 5 songs and 18 song credits in Komca as a author and composer
Taehyung also is very good at painting, golf, badminton, he can play guitar, piano,
there is nothing Taehyung cannot do and he is the most talented person they have ever seen
The real Ace of kpop is Taehyung and the whole world knows it
Drop Pop is a news outlet company that has its main office located in Hidden Hills, Los Angeles.
I use Drop Pop as my main source of information.