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Smash- (verb) to break to pieces destroy , shatter:
Bomb-(noun) a bursting charge of destruction, designed to be covertly dropped to surprise the target.

Smash-bomb - (adjective) to shock, to surpise dropping embarrassing knowledge of another- to reviel an ugly hidden truth, to cause emotional damage, Verbally blindside
To destroy someone’s ego without warning

I walked into the house and my wife and girlfriend were sharing stories.

Talk about a smash-bomb! Did you not hear who won the game last night!?!!

by Taykit March 17, 2019


Smash- (verb) to break to pieces destroy , shatter:
Bomb-(noun) a bursting charge of destruction, designed to be covertly dropped to surprise the target.

Smash-bomb - (adjective) to shock, to surpise dropping embarrassing knowledge of another- to reviel an ugly hidden truth, to cause emotional damage, Verbally blindside
To destroy someone’s ego without warning

I walked into the house and my wife and girlfriend were sharing stories.

Talk about a smash-bomb! Did you not hear who won the game last night!?!!

by Taykit March 17, 2019

Shit Bomb

A shit bomb is when you take a dump in a lunch box, close it, and wrap it up to give it the appearance of a gift and then send it in the mail to someone you don’t like !

Fuck, someone sent me another shit bomb in the mail, it was so gross !!

by Alknowsbest September 25, 2018

Rage Bomb

A person who is so angry all the time, that once something is said to them, nice or not, sets them off into a uncontrollable fit of anger, or rage.

Boy 1 *Is rage bomb* Why wont anyone talk to me?
Boy 2 *Walks up to Boy 1* Hey, what's up?
Boy 1 Shut the fuck up and go die! I fucking hate your guts!

by !TENKEI! July 9, 2012

Bizkit Bomb

A psychological assault on someone (usually a surprise attack) using music, lyrics or other elements drawn from terrible nu-metal band "Limp Bizkit".

This can be done in close proximity, using a stereo or other audio device on an

unsuspecting victim; Remotely by phone, blasting Limp Bizkit music down the line

or even relentlessly sending lyrics via SMS message; or using any other number

of cruel and ever-evolving methods of delivery.

*Phone rings from an anonymous number

- Victim: "Good Afternoon"

- Sound from phone speaker: "I did it all for the nookie
(C'mon) The nookie (C'mon) So you can take that cookie
And stick it up your (yeah!!) Stick it up your (yeah!!)
Stick it up your (yeah!!)"

- Victim: "Hello?? What?? No! I've been Bizkit Bombed! UUNGGHHH!!"

by dr collossus November 23, 2009

Disposing a bomb

A term for deleting content that could potentially damage your reputation if discovered.

“He couldn’t meet up because he was busy disposing a bomb

by SoLongAndGoodnight September 1, 2022

Wall Bombing

The act of posting a ridiculous amount of messages, comments, links, pictures, etc. on a friend's Facebook wall. The best "wall bombs" take up their entire Facebook wall so that the bomber's names are the only ones visible on the friend's wall. "Wall bombing" can be done in teams or individually. Wall bombing must stop when the friend who is bombed admits defeat on his or her own Facebook wall. There are often more casualties in a "wall bomb" than just the victim, since any mutual friend's newsfeed is also ambushed.

When one friend is at work, a group of friends attack their friend's Facebook wall with messages, comments, links, pictures, etc. The "Wall Bombing" must be completely cover the friend's wall with only the names of the attackers. Any attacker who joins the raid late risks their own wall being bombed.

by SOS_Hill March 21, 2011