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Sea men

what the boys in South Park thought was in mrs. choksondik's coffee to kill her in the Season 6 episode 'The Simpsons Already Did It'

news reporter: "They found semen in her stomach."
Tweek: "GAH! I didn't put your sea people in her coffee! GAH!"

by CrispyChickenCumSandwich November 9, 2022

Sea men

Sexy sussy mussy sexy men out in da sea that wanna suck your succulent meat. 🤤

Dan- See those sea men over there?
Nigger- Nah bro

by Thatthotnigger May 20, 2022

Sea Blanket

A manta ray, so named because their flat, flexible bodies resemble blankets

I saw the cutest baby sea blanket at the aquarium today!

by CosetteDaae March 31, 2015

sea potato

A fat ass manatee. Like so fat Honey Boo Boo's mom would tell it to eat a salad.

Could also be a swimming McDonalds customer.

"What is that? A Godzilla sized shit?"
"Nah man, that's a fucking sea potato. It's probably binge watching Netflix and crying into a pillow right now."

by PRAISE THE LAWD January 20, 2016

Aral Sea

Added with update 'Ground Breaking' in War Thunder, Aral Sea is a Ground Forces map. It is almost universally hated.

The map is made to look like the drained areas of the Aral Sea, which has shrunk quite a lot form its original size due to Soviet mismanagement.

I absolutely hate the Aral Sea map in War Thunder.

by TwoOrMoreHippos May 9, 2022

Sea hippy

A sea hippy is a guy who is obsessed with the sea.

My dad is a sea hippy and so are my brothers.

by Sea hippy May 31, 2020

Sea Hags

A cult like group dedicated to the harassment of Amber Heard and her supporters. They usually have a pirate emoji on their social media profile and call themselves relatives. Also known as a Deppford Wife, Deppanon, and Remoras.

If I see another “bUt DiD yOu eVeN WaTcH tHe tRiAL?” tweet from the Sea Hags I’m going to lose it.

by Deathtrap Venus June 15, 2023

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