is when, just before or in the middle of sex, a person has a panic attack, starts crying, or runs out of the room naked because of nonsensical emotional distress (a person who is upset because they are being hurt/forced/etc does not count, only if they want the sex and panic because they are about to get it).
This can also be used for any panic attack or tears that occur when a person is getting exactly what they want.
This act is referred as "pulling a dwayne". Somewhat offensive term.
Two people who have had a crush on each other for months finally get in bed. He gets naked, she's almost so. As he's pulling off her underwear, he begins hyperventilating, then runs out of the room naked saying "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" and then spends an hour crying in the shower, leaving her laying there wondering "wtf? Is he pulling a dwayne?"
Verb - A phrase used to describe a person or action of such density and/or idiocy that it must be shared with others, commonly through social media. Also see "retard", "fuckwit" and "facepalm".
''I'm pulling an Austin; Jimmy just tried to call himself using his own phone and the people of the internet must be told. ''
When someone mysteriously or abruptly vanishes as if without a trace. Referencing the actions of the character Albert Wesker in the first Resident Evil game.
Hey Mike, gave you seen Gary? He was here a minute ago.
Shit man, I think he pulled a Wesker.
To enter a female's vicinity awkwardly and say nothing to her.
Dude look at that guy sit by that girl and not even speak to her and just pull his phone out.
Pshh. He's pulling a ray.
Putting random shit in the wrong places.
Normally used on certain godly discord servers.
A: *puts shoes in the oven*
B: aw man why’re you pulling an art?
A: that’s not the right usage of such a godly phrase!
When you forget what is going on
Teacher: "Would you please answer the question, Mr. smith."
Smith: "I'm sorry miss, I'm pulling a Biden!"
1. Space shuttle disaster that occurred February 1st, 2003
2. A once smoking hot babe, also known as a "rocket", who over time turns out looking really really bad
1. " Man that chick used to be such a rocket", " ya i know, it's to bad shea Pulling a Columbia, and looks like a pile of horse shit now"
2. "Man didn't i wheel that girl back in high school?", " I cant even tell anymore, if it is her, she definitely Pulling a Columbia"