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Alabama squeeze box

an incestuous sex move where two brothers are pounding and throat fucking their sister simultaneously from either side

we're going to Alabama squeeze box Emily tonight

by forthewin849 July 7, 2023

brazilian butt squeeze

When a man is having anal sex with a girl, he is about to cum, and then the girl squeezes her buttcheeks together to stop him from cumming, he takes his dick out and lets it rip!

John: Dude, Katie gave me a brazilian butt squeeze last night. It was AMAZING.

Todd: Can I get in on that sometime?

by ohhhhh yea thats hot August 24, 2010

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Squeeze mad clips

To shoot at someone like crazy. Fire rapidly. Use a great number of magazines when sprayin' fresh lead.

I done squeeze mad clips at these cats for their bricks and chips.

by mVal September 15, 2006

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Don't sneeze, squeeze.

Shooting drugs into your veins, intraveniously, rather than chopping it up and sniffing it / putting it up your nose.

That shit'll eat away your nasal cavity- Don't sneeze, squeeze.

by Sami D. June 6, 2008

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Squeeze lemon drop

When you're fornicating with a girl and you urinate inside of her due to too much sexual arousal and losing control of your bladder.

I just squeeze lemon dropped inside of penny last night. She turned me on I lost control.

by Lustylumps March 24, 2016

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Soul Power Squeeze

(n) (also know as "flatulication") the act of engaging in sexual intercourse in which one of the participants releases a seismic flatch. this occurs due to the build up of tension while attempting to refrain from flatulating by contracting the buttocks. the pressure becomes too great, and a fart tears out of the butt, resulting in an awkward silence between both participants. an excuse is usually made by the other participant in which they attempt to get the hell out of there.

Hey man, did you hear that Zack gave Ally the Soul Power Squeeze last night?

That Zack kid thought he was the shit until he pulled the Soul Power Squeeze on some chick.

Nothing ends a one night stand like the Soul Power Squeeze...

Feel like getting rid of a clinger? SPS ;)

by crue83 November 2, 2009

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squeezing the tube of toothpaste

1:a euphonism for what happens at staff parties at the queens place in england

"dude, squeeze my tube of toothpaste."

by Tim November 20, 2003

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