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Too Damn Sexy

So sexy it's unbelievable.

Incredibly sexy.
So attractive you can't take your eyes off of (her)
Extremely attractive.
Absolutely gorgeous beyond belief.

Insanely beautiful.
Sexy to an extraordinary degree.

"Did you see Molly today?....That girl is too damn sexy"

by Jp48 February 18, 2017

Too Many Girls

A Broadway Musical/Movie from 1939-1940 about four adorable college dudes and their girlfriends. One of those girlfriends absolutely boils peoples blood. Oh yes, and Desi Arnaz is in it, and he's a beautiful specimen

Hey, have you seen the movie Too Many Girls? It's absolutely amazing! You should check it out

by Thepigeonthatgoesacrosstheroad January 15, 2021

Twenty twenty too

A frightening prophecy that the year 2022 will have more detrimental events unfold than 2020

โ€œNot gonna lie, twenty twenty too (2022) got me spooked out)

by Big Sawse October 23, 2020

Too Much Fun

Any recreational activity that results in death.

Jerry lost his hand whilst playing with fireworks. Some would say he had too much fun.

by k-dog-chi June 28, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Too Cool for School

A phrase originating in the 1960's Counterculture.

It describes a person who has "tuned in, turned on and dropped out." In other words, it describes a person who has submerged themselves so much in the Counterculture (fully embracing a wide range of drugs- particularly psychedelic drugs, communal lifestyles, anti-materialism, radical politics, anti-authority and particularly anti-Police attitudes, alternate codes of dress and personal hygiene and often anti-social behaviors), and is thus "so cool," that they are largely unfit for and unable to participate in conventional society.

The phrase was invariably complimentary.

More recent usages tend towards extreme forms of irony. Often applied with considerable sarcasm as a form of insult it generally means a person who is deemed to have an inflated self-image. If the person displays any actual Countercultural leanings, they tend to be of the most mild possible variety.

"Dude, the Hells Angels are totally righteous. They're so out there, man, they're, like, too cool for school."

"That kid didn't come to my party. What does he think he is, too cool for school?"

by The Egoist December 30, 2010

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Well Too Bad!

A phrase that is usually yelled. Generally when someone says they wish to do something or want something. Usually it is used intentionally to make fun of a person.

"Hey do you want a drink of water?"
"Yes, please."
"Well Too Bad!"

"I really wish I could play the cello."
"WELL TOO BAD! You suck at it."

by WellTooBad May 10, 2009

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Too close for comfort

When you are put in a situation that is very uncomfortable and awkward. This person or thing will be too close to you and it's making you feel unsafe.

Turtle #1 said turtle #2 was getting to close for comfort.

Being too close for comfort usually breaks friendship.

by Flashlight man June 15, 2014

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