A person of hispanic decent who uses freely the terms "yall" , "ain't" and "what in tarnatation" and lives in the southern portion of the United States
There are several Mexican hicks working in that chicken plant in Arkansas
An alternative to intercourse. A man buries (i.e. plants) his huevos into a vaginal canal and screams “¡arrrrrrriba!” to perform the Mexican Eggplant. Traditionally, one uses the pogo stick 69 position, continuously thrusting the scrotum into the vaginal canal whilst bouncing in a fluid, methodical, and hypnotizing “scissoring motion.“
An anal, also referred to as the wrong hole, variation exists that is known as “La berenjena negra;” the variation is rumored to have originated in Jamaica and brought to Mexico in the late 1970s, but has remained largely obscure.
My brother Jorgé told me how he performed a Mexican Eggplant on my mom. I stopped hearing the bedsprings for a minute, and suddenly “¡arrrrrriba!” rang out through the house. I had to stop masturbating it was so loud.
This is the Mother of all sharts. When you try to simply fart and power spray liquid shit which soaks through your underwear and runs down the back of your legs.
We all had to take a pay cut to keep our jobs. Then we found out the asshole paid his son in law a 9K bonus for being a summer intern. I ate a whole jar of jalapenos and sprayed his front door with a Mexican Shart! You can still see the stains from the runny shit!!
A Mexican that’s too white for their own race
Oh look there’s a Mexican vampire
N. Another name for GHB, commonly known as the date rape pill.
Ohio football coach Frank Solich loves Mexican Circles
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A very low quality video camera on a cell phone.
Amigo, your Youtube Video looks like crap because you used your Mexican Camcorder.
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Leaving your wife's head on the side of the road.
Juanita wouldn't shut her fat face so i just got a mexican divorce.
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