When someone scores 25 in a round of Hearts, getting every point except for one.
James always tried to shoot the moon while playing hearts, but he only ever scored a Polish run.
The process of trying to and and also getting with someone of the opposite gender sexually. Somewhat synonymous with flirting, but encompasses further deeds. Can be extrapolated to other sexual/romantic acts with tech-related wordplay.
Johnny: “Yoooo did you get with that girl Sam last night? She was kinda bad.”
Aaron: “Yeah dude, I wish you heard it I was running tech.”
Ewan: “Dude come on this double date with me. We need to run some dual technology. Co-op play man.
"To go to Las Vegas to gamble. To go straight from work to the airport to take a nightly flight to Vegas on Delta Airlines in the middle of the week and fly back in the morning and go straight to work."
"You're doing another Delta run this week?!, dude you need serious help"
Like running an errand, except the purpose is to obtain cocaine and/or other drugs. Derived from slang term for cocaine yay-yo.
I noticed we were running low on cocaine, so i volunteered to go on a yay run and fetch some.
When you have explosive diarrhea when you have to run to the toilet and poop, hence the name poopy run. Also when your poop is runny, just replace the extra “y” to the end, and you have poor run.
I got food poisoning so I had poopy runs throughout the day.
A drive through the country with the sole intention of smoking marijuana. Driving while rolling a joint or blunt may or may not be considered part of the country run. Keeping the windows rolled up to keep the smoke inside the car, or to 'greenhouse' is normal. The country is considered safer than the city due to police activity. See also: Hood Run
PERSON1: "Man I'm not doing shit, you got the whip?"
PERSON2: "Yeah..."
PERSON1: "Let's go on a country run fo' sho!"
PERSON2: "No herb..."
PERSON1: "I gotch you!"
PERSON2: "Well let's do this!"
An extremely difficult level in super mario galaxy 2.
You are given 1 hitpoint to clear a set of challenges, and there are no checkpoints. If you try this level you can expect to get very frustrated.
I would recommend having a friend to play as the orange luma to provide assistance which is how I beat it.