1. When an individual, organization, or political group promotes or implements a seemingly eco-friendly initiative that is more about self-satisfaction or public image than delivering meaningful environmental benefits. Often overlooks practical solutions or creates unintended negative consequences elsewhere.
2. When an individual or group engages in performative or self-indulgent environmental actions that are designed to make them feel good or look virtuous but provide little to no actual environmental benefit.
3. A form of virtue signaling disguised as eco-consciousness.
See also Green Wash.
The Green Party proposing to reduce local sheep farming, even though it’s more sustainable here and the alternative is importing lamb from halfway around the world, is classic Green Wank.
A yummy, delicious and healthy spread of peanut butter that has lightened people's lives for generations. This favorite in the cupboard has become a staple in so many homes all across Scandinavia. Everyone wants a piece of Green Choice and to be part of the community of Green Choicers. Once you go Green you never go mean!
A life without Green Choice peanut butter, is that even a life?!
A $20 dirty white w**** from lacoochee Florida she's well known from Dade City all the way to Webster Florida watch out ladies cuz if your man brings this one home you might be missing all your Victorious Secret bras and your Nike shoes mascara and Foundation. when your done with her and give her a ride home her man will be scoping out your house. And don't worry man if you ain't got a $20 its okay just make sure you have a nice piece of ice. She's down for that too just make sure you have a piece of glass or a shot that she can put that ice in to use.
A white girl that works for money misty Green
a green suspisious looking character from the lorax
muh hahahahahaha i have sent the green lorax guy to the world he is hilariuos so yay