A copypastsa, originating from the account @mrmcfatterson, growing increasingly popular on the social media platform TikTok.
Random commenter 1: Bruh. u calling me out i have thunder thighs n like a slvtty waist but <333
Other random commenter: bro wtf
Random commenter 1: lol bro replied to a copypasta
Oliver N (noun) is a person that is ugly, dumb and annoying.
That boi is so ugly and so dumb and so fucking annoying, he is an Oliver N
Standing counter posed invert grippping partners package while wiggling a wondering thumb.
I should of known when I asked my adventurous partner for a handjob I'd get a dirty south rub n tug.
The Brown n (BNR) is when brown controls the BNR and suggests people to go sit near the cage and if they do the BNR opens the cage turns the lights out and fucks you. So if you don’t want to BNR’S attention don’t do anything that it likes and you wont bet fucked by the (BNR)
Uncle Edward had a Brown n (BNR).
person a: how was tony’s party?
person b: it was lit af. i was hootin’ ’n tootin’