This is typically said when you are with friends and you see a little kids and you low key start whacking
*sees little kid*
*starts stroking shit*
Guy 1: “game is game”
Guy 2: “YOOO”
A phrase pedos use to find each other in comments in social media.
*A video of toddler in a bunny costume*
Deranged individual in comments – "Game is game"
I'm not talking about Minecraft minigames like Bedwars, just so you know.
A semi-common misconception of Minecraft that typically gets used by adults.
Example: Students, please stop talking about your Minecraft Games.
Also known as Spybook gaming, Crapbook gaming and Shitbook gaming. It tries to be superior to YouTube, Pornhub and Twitch.
It is scary to think that your favorite youtuber, pornhub channel or twitch channel would end up on Facebook gaming
A game that was designed to be popularized by being played by youtubers first and for most, rather than being fun for the general player.
Getting over it is such a Youtuber Game that I cannot play it myself.
Its the Cookie Game/ Soggy Biscut Game but instead of an Cookie there is a Firecracker and you have to cum as fast as possible to turn of the fuse so your dick wont blow up.
1. Hey what did you do today?
I played the Polish Cookie Game and my Friend got his Dick blown off