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Brett a creature with many capabilities.Knowledge of thing beyond what many people may believe.Shall become crazed with the of a specific type of rodent call a rat.Has a love for a type of dog breed called a pug.

Brett look a pug

by Pugito owner November 21, 2023


Sometimes a normal guy, other times the worst guy you'll ever meet. Most likely a jock, who talks like a rapper from the mid 2010's. Also likely says offensive things, and decides if he was joking based on other people's reactions.

Brett: Black people suck!
Micheal: Dude, that's offensive.
Brett: I was just jokin', dude!

by IHateBrett July 2, 2022


Is so cool

Brett is so cool

by brett1234567890 November 25, 2021


Brett is the definitive sigma male, he succeeds in life and in relationships without actively engaging in social interaction. Brett is introverted and shuns mainstream society, yet still manages to be a successful man who is popular with women

Man, what a Brett, he’s a maverick, a lone wolf

by MAGAMOFO July 7, 2022


brett is a hot mf he gets all the girls and hes the best hockey player ever i would ghfh

omg brett is so hot

by brett lover April 22, 2022


This guy is never afraid not even of thots

Yesterday I was with my friend Brett any...
OMG that guy probably is never afraid.

by DyÑaMo December 15, 2018




by uhhhmmmbiitch May 6, 2021