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douchebag chords

Chords douchebag usually learn and stick to with the guitar, for the purpose of sounding cool at parties. You can easily spot a douchebag using douchebag chords at any event, since he's a poorly educated wannabe musician, hardly scoring with any of the poor-looking half-baked floozies, while the cool full-on stoned attendants are properly getting infuriated by the amount of G, C, A, E and D chords (with no variations) played randomly while accompanying cheesy, ill-written lyrics.

Stephen : Hey man, take a look at the freakin' prick in the bedroom.
Brian : Oh man, you talkin' about the guy with the dirty goatee and the cheap guitar ? I thought I could hear douchebag chords being played !
Stephen : You damn right, and look at the crowd around the bed, what a bunch of losers.
Brian : Hey man you got that weed ? Gotta numb my brain from this excruciating sonic bullshit.
Stephen : Sit right back in that couch mister, you gonna be taken care of. Just fire up the volcano, everything's gonna be alright.
Brian : You rock, I love you.
Stephen : I love you too, bromosexual.

by Klisstoriss February 17, 2012

friendly douchebag

A dude who takes part in typical douchebag activities, but still maintains a decent enough personality to give a slight fuck about someone else's feelings.

"Those bros looked like total douchebags, but when they said 'good morning' I realized they were friendly douchebags."

by d_bag24 April 15, 2018

Stoner Douchebag

A person that is a douchbag concerning the topic of weed.

They will aggressively push pot onto others, mock those that do not use weed (even those that respectfully decline without judgment) and consider it a magical cure-all for everything(which they will never cease talking about). They constantly extol the virtues of pot and the benefits of legalization primarily because they want to get high anytime they want, caring very little of any of the benefits weed has except for getting them.

They will also claim they function better on pot, even though it actually makes unmotivated and neglect everything around them.

I hate hanging out with keith, all he ever does is get high and talk about weed. I don't care that he likes to smoke, but he constantly tries to get me to smoke even when I say no. He is such a stoner douchebag!

by mazeltovcocktail May 5, 2019

douchebag homo

A uncaring, detached, and unconcerned person. Refer to them as a douchebag homo. Doesn't matter if it is a dude or a chick.

Look at that individual over there, that my friend is considered a douchebag homo.

by Careless joker March 22, 2016

Doublemint Douchebag

A guy who is such a shameless yet stealthy and unsuspecting player that he will try to sweet talk you to try to get to fuck you.... and do the same with your sister, who looks just ike you, at the same time.

Sister 1: "Hey, guess who has been texting me telling me I am so beautiful, I am the "one"and he would treat me so good and he wants to take me out?
Sister 2: "WHO?"
Sister 1: "Danny, that really sweet but kinda fat guy from down the street."
Sister 2: "No way? Really, what did he say....because he has been texting me and sweet talking me all summer and I thought he really meant it....I mean look at him, he's nice but kinda fat, right??"

Sister 1: "What a doublemint douchebag! He has been playing us both and trying to get at least one sister to sleep with him. WTF??"

by Jojobean42 August 29, 2015

Expired Douchebag

Noun: a douchabag that is so old and douchey that it isn't even fit to douche with.

KJ: " I unfriended Branham on Facebook. He said some shit that totally pissed me off!"

Angela: " Good! That old fugger is nothing but an expired douchebag, anyway."

by MadMorsel August 16, 2013

douchebag immunity

The false principle that asserts to others the fact that you are automatically not a douchebag simply because you call other people douchebag.

Anytime Ashton Kutcher uses the word douchebag, he is claiming "douchebag immunity" Even though we all know that Ashton Kutcher is the King of All Douchebags.

by Anty Dizzle October 30, 2009

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