When a gentleman has consumed too much stout beer he consequently will not be able to produce an erection. Stout trout is known to last for many hours after the cessation of stout consumption and is debilitating to the confidence of all involved in post stout consumption fornication. The condition originated in Galway Ireland St Patrick’s day 2012 and has hence forth spread into a global pandemic much to the dismay of many ladies.
David's stout trout could not please his partner nor his ego.
A term used when I man is telling a women to fuck him
"That's how you catch a trout" Tasmanian scandal video
Translation for Spanish “ponte trucha”
Hey man pay attention get trout or you’ll hurt us
Just... The worst of them all.
That girl doesn't even own a pair of heeleys. What a sugar trout!
Trout Clorange is the name used for the absolute G.O.A.T of the UFC.
“Trout Clorange will bang up TPE”
When rancid pussy is a squirter
Mike: "Did you hear that Dave encountered a Trout Fountain last night?"
Jack: "Damn, I hope he's ready to wash his sheets at least six times."
The "Massive Brown Trout" is a strange illustrious bowl movement known across Europe, North America and parts of Latin America.
The "Massive Brown Trout" has been listed on the endangered species list in many parts of Central Africa due to the inhabitants of said continent having issues in replicating fecal forgery
The "Massive Brown Trout" differs from its well known cousin the "Brown Trout" due to its sheer seize and mass.
The Massive Brown Trout has evolved through the intake of fibre rich foods and has gained notoriety for its lingering smell which has been known to knock a traveller of his sister, if said smell has been inhaled.
Ayye Tommy, I left a "Massive Brown Trout" in the toilet bowl yesterday evening and now the toilet won't flush.