1. v. To announce to someone that one knows the other's lies or intentions.
2. v. To announce another's intent to ask someone out. Usu. occurs in social situations involving at least three people. Suppose persons A, B, C, and perhaps other friends are in a restaurant. Person A secretly wants in person B's pants, and is offering a favor or something else in an attempt to get on B's good side. Person C realizes what is going on, and says to B, "He's only doing this because he wants to tickle your bojangles." Person C is said to be calling out A.
Even if person C said that as a joke, it still alerts person B to A's intentions. If you call out a friend in this matter, you are being an incredible asshole to them, even if you may not realize it.
3. v. The literal definition. To call out with one's voice. Duh.
4. n. Used in online gaming, chatrooms, and chatrooms for games. A message that typically goes to everyone connected to the server. Also called a shout, or a shout out. Generally used by loudmouths to tell 500 people "hello".
1. "Adolf, I know you tell me that you love me very much, but the KGB have discovered plans for something called "Operation Barbarossa." I really hope you aren't scheming behind my back."
"Of course not, dear Jo-Jo. I would never hurt you. You mean the world to me."
2. When Juan called out Bryce in front of Melanie, he practically condemned him to having to pay for sex for the next month.
3. I call out.
kumquat69 shouts: hey everybody
doubleOzero shouts: im back!!!!
12packsaday shouts: im leaving for a smoke break
turdretractor shouts: i love chocolate
zombiekid shouts: i like turtles
gibmelson shouts: i hate wejs
pussyfucker shouts: i love cats
318 people: <facepalm>
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booty call:
Main Entry: booΒ·ty call
Pronunciation: \ΛbΓΌ-tΔΛkΘ―l\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural booty calls
Etimology β From the Latin, Booticus Callmypatheticassupus
Date: Late 21st century
1 : A clandestine or casual meeting to indulge sexual urges, devoid of any meaningful social engagement. Typically occurring between the hours of 12-4am, subsequent to one party becoming inebriated or failing to secure sexual relations with a more appealing partner(s).
2 : Disparaging title for the lesser of two unequal partners in a booty call relationship; typically this individual does not realize or accept that the relationship is limited to a booty call. Often called a fuck buddy.
1 : I don't wanna taker her out, just hook up a booty call.
2 : No, we're not dating; she's just a booty call.
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Holy crap, he's playing Call of Duty. How shit! Automatic wanker
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A game that is highly addicting and ruins the lives of many teenage boys.
teen1: dude what ya doin?
teen2: playingCall of Duty Black ops.
teen1: didn't you play that yesterday?
teen2: no yesterday i played WaW you jerk i thought you would remember!
(never see eachother again)
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1. noun: a person with whom one has sex at random times outside of a relation ship. 2. verb: the act of calling said person. 3. noun: the term used to refer to said phone call.
1. jessica is my boody-call. 2. i booty-called jessica last night. 3. jessica got a booty-call from me last night.
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Taking someone else's phone and calling some random person and throwing it where its hard to get to, like throwing a grenade. This will cause the phone owner to run to get there phone and if the other person awnsers it will be akward for them to explain what happened
dial amy , throw it behind the chair and shout "grenade call!"
12π 3π
A term that was created when someone misheard the expression prank call.
Since the debut of the show Crank Yankers, the name has stuck. This is unfortunate since "crank" call doesn't make any sense.
Person 1: Dude the other day we made a bunch of crank calls, it was hilarious!
Person 2: You made what? You mean PRANK calls, right?
Person 1: Prank call? ... Huh, I guess you're right.
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