The act of throwing toast at someone and running.
Tom Green-type comedy.
For halloween, me and my friend are going run-by toasting in town.
*throws toast at old man* *screams random jibberish and runs away leaving the old man and the wittnesses befuddled*
while waiting to cross the road a kind motorist slows down and indicates you to cross: whilst the actual speed of the run across the road is the same as walking, the illusion of hurrying engenders a feeling of good will between motorist and pedestrian.
Friend A: What the hell was that?
Friend B: That was my courtesy run!
A: But it was no quicker than walking!
B: Yeah but it makes drivers feel better
A: Cunning
B: Like a fox!
To get to the place you are going, get what you need to do done, and get the fuck out of there.
Well, my girlfriend found out I cheated on her with her best friend, on her bed, while she was out buying me a gift for our anniversary, and I still need to go back there and get my car keys!
Sounds like you need to wabash and run
Poker Term. (adjective)
The seeming ability to constantly achieve the better outcome.
That guy seems to always win when he's in a pot. He's got some serious run-good.
A panicked split second decision a person makes at a street, cross walk, or parking lot. The person usually begins the first two feet in a hustled running motion only to precede swinging there arms in full motion as if they are running, but still moving at the speeds of a person walking.
Pedestrian: Oh no a car is coming but I have to walk across to get into Walmart! I better wait. Or should I run for it?? Time is running out I am scared.
Person in car: (gives the hand wave for pedestrian to go ahead)
Pedestrian: (Looks like a triathelete mixed with an old geezer as they slow-run the next six feet)
Person in car: (rolls down window and yells) What the hell are you doing? You are running the same speed and the person walking next to you idiot!
When someone scores 25 in a round of Hearts, getting every point except for one.
James always tried to shoot the moon while playing hearts, but he only ever scored a Polish run.
The style of running used by the character naruto in the manga series. It has been popularized by the #storm area 51 Facebook page and has since become a meme.
Person 1: are you going to be naruto runner in the raid?
Person 2: yes we are naruto running from each side