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Longdistance best friends

If you are a long distance best friend, you will stay at least five miles away from the other person, including phone calls and video chats.

Tyler and Hayley are longdistance best friends.

by sillypoppet December 27, 2011

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Best friend law

The best friend law is when you have a friend of the opposite gender and your both single around Christmas then you have to date

Person: hey we have to date because of the best friend law

by Vexk December 19, 2021

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best friend hopper

When you switch best friends every second of the day

β€œyour my best friend β€œ β€œyour my best friend β€œ β€œ god she is such a best friend hopper”

by smtities November 10, 2019

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The ugly Best Friend

Damn she called you that don’t worry she just called me that

Ya that kid Tommy is The ugly Best Friend.

by This is the sad side November 2, 2020

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best friend syndrom

(usally hapens to guys) is when the person you like is also a really good frined and they would rather be good frineds

guy talking to guy friend: hey dude i talked to amber last night about goin out and she said that she really liked me and that i was like her best friend.
guy friend: haha it sounds like you got best friend syndrom goin on

by cheeze32 January 10, 2010

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best friend snatcher

When someone who you do not particularly love is trying to work their way into your best friend’s life and push you out, there by replacing you.

He is a best friend snatcher!

by The other best friend January 31, 2018

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best friend card

Card u can play on ur best friend to make sure they will help u cus they r ur best friend can only be used once a month and in appropriate sense

Becky I'm using my best friend card so u have to make sure jake isn't cheating on me!

by Justin1230 January 28, 2017

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