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Jew Crew

The group of treys friends that like to hang out. Mostly consisting of Jewish people.

So are you hanging out with the Jew crew today

by Trey boiii February 25, 2018

Anal jew

Someone who is anal about their money. Typically someone who is very greedy, spoiled, and takes a lot of Xanax

Aaron is such an anal jew!!
Look at that loser Aaron he’s a fucking anal jew.

by Eavangelionunit1 December 25, 2021

Jew Step

When a Jew does their Interpretation of the 2 Step.

Lexi: Look at Anna Rose

Taylor: She is Working the Jew Step

by Tay&Lex December 14, 2009

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Jew Screw

The shit insurance companies do to you.

I got hit in my $40,000 truck and the insurance company only offered me $23,000. They're really trying to give me the Jew Screw.

by #1200 March 4, 2018

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bagging the jew

The act of finally obtaining a Jewish financial adviser to show you the way to their gold.

Yippie kiyahh!! Asher is done diversifying my portfolio. I'm finally bagging the jew!

by haroldhamfist March 21, 2019

Arab Jew

A middle eastern Jew.

"Why is that Arab wearing a Yarmulke?"
"He must be an Arab Jew!"

by the walking DICKtionary April 10, 2017

Jew Media

Media produced by Jews. Books by Jewish authors, TV shows and films made by Jewish producers, radio programs with Jewish hosts etc.

The Jew media sure does seem to push the blonde girl/black guy thing a lot.

What are you talking about Jewish people all work in agriculture and resource extraction. None of them work in media and entertainment...and if they did the last thing they would promote are blonde girl/black guy couples, Jews hate seeing that.

by Canviale January 17, 2023