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Camel-toe's fatter, uglier, sister.

Guy 1: See that chick's camel-toe?

Guy 2: Camel-toe? Dude she was so fat she had a Moose-Knuckle!

by mattman_v1 September 8, 2010

635๐Ÿ‘ 671๐Ÿ‘Ž

hog knuckles

A man's camel toe

A man wearing tight jeans with nut on each side of seam.

Whoa! Look at the Hog Knuckles on that poof.

by CRlMlNAL October 18, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dusty Knuckles

When a guy had been in a sexual relationship and has not spanked the monkey in awhile.

"I just broke up with Marsha, and realized I had dusty knuckles. I guess i'm back to punching the old meatstick for awhile."

by Moneyshotman February 11, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

elephant knuckles

The bulbous labia majora protruding from a females nether region while wearing pants, jeans, etc.

Her pussy is so big I could see her elephant knuckles through her swim suit!

by Andy Gallo August 22, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

knuckle dragger

A term used for a human who is evidence of devolution - humans evolving back into apes and other primates.

This man often dribbles in public places; cannot drink a hot beverage without spilling it on himself, the floor or someone else; may walk into objects like lampposts and bushes; may ask questions repeatedly such as "how are you doing?", or "hows your computer software going?" and has an interwoven, messy beard that houses flees, mites, pieces of pork and dribble.

It's safe to say that the knuckle draggers of this world are a frightening breed, who you should avoid if at all possible.

Knuckle dragger: Hows the course going mate?
Average person 1: Ummm.... yeh fine I guess?!
Knuckle dragger: Oh yeh cool dude. You going paintballing this afternoon?
Average person 2: No I'm not.
Knuckle dragger: *Dribbles*

by KnuckledraggingGuy March 17, 2008

128๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

moose knuckle

a camel toe on a woman of native North American ancestory.

I was walking down 20th street and saw an Indian chick in tight jeans with a wicked moose knuckle!

by saskotis January 10, 2006

773๐Ÿ‘ 875๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Knuckle

The painful bend in hard dick caused by pulling out too far and slamming your cock into the taint.

I was railing that bitch so hard I gave myself a fuck knuckle.

by XxxKevinxxX August 15, 2007

45๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž