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The act of reverse evolution. This word has been coined by the band "Devo". Devolution is a process which mankind is permanently engaged in, and is irreversable. There's nothing one can do about it, so enjoy the ride.

The "election" of George W. Bush is proof of devolution.

by Rich Anderson December 17, 2003

67πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The act of evolving, just backwards.

apple came out with some sort of strap for airpods.. now that my friends, is devolution.

by Udjwkdjsks May 8, 2020


Similar yet extremer than a Dissenter, a Devoluter is a person who discards all fields of human thought, rational or irrational, from the equation of truth perceived by ones eyes.. True Devoluters are remote and vast, belonging to an unwritten book, rather forlorn and lost from possession.

Devoluters permeate as self evident and can only be self exemplified.

by fromthySPIRE March 26, 2012


The act of evolving away from the stigma of the world and into your own person.

With all the pressure in the world to follow the main stream, it’s a great reminder that we are all unique and our own person.

The biggest thing to remember is to always spread kindness and acceptance during your time of chance. Be the person you wish you had in your time of need.

Becoming your self and being happier with yourself creates a little more happiness in the world. And that happiness is spread one more person at a time.

Happiness one soul at a time.

β€œI will be joining the devolution movement.”
β€œHave you seen Aeir’s Devolution?”

by Γ†ir April 15, 2019

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Also known as backward evolution, it's phenomenon and biological theory proposed first by scientists and evolutionary biologists in the 18th century that was ultimately deemed as scientifically impossible, but then it turned out that it was possible and if you want to experience devolution in real time, look no further than (most of) Gen Z, Liberals and Tiktok.

son: what is evolution dad?
dad: it's the change of characteristics of live species to adapt into environments son, it says that animals come from other animals.
son: so wait, if species can evolve forwards, can they evolve backwards?
dad: absolutely son, as you can witness those girls filming themselves dancing in front of a camera to a song about
rape and violence, or those people over there that are in an animal costume and pretending to bark, or maybe those people that yell that they can't breathe because the police killed an actual criminal? or quite possibly those young girls over there talking to a camera about some pay-gap even and women need to be paid the same as men even though she is working from computer on a desk and drinking starbucks and doing nothing about it? that's called devolution son, i hope you learned something valuable today.
son: thanks dad!

by Pajcho November 1, 2023

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


omfg hawt girl who lives in kali.

Able to cop a devo feel from.

*cops a devo feel*. Devo: Why did you just feel me? ;_______;

by pomps November 22, 2003

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