Any weekend that you spend doing things that are good for you to do regularly and are a risk of being missed when life gets busy. Self investment weekends can include, but is not limited to, the following activities:
- resting e.g sleep
- unwinding e.g lying in the sun
- learning e.g reading
- exercising e.g cycling
- replinishing e.g eating
- conserving e.g saving money
- organising e.g tidying room
This year has been wild so I decided to have a self investment weekend
Party every night starting on Friday night going to Monday morning.
“Hey Brad let’s throw a blackout weekend”
The Swanage Railway held a event called the Victorian Weekend but was renamed to anal in the ass weekend due to its funny nature
Sorry I'm busy this Saturday I'm heading to the Swanage Railway for Anal in the Ass Weekend.
Sucio, Sucia, and celebration of beating the odds.
Party for Raw Dog Weekend l!
If you play a full weekend league in Fifa you are a virgin and not able to get any friends
virgin is the new weekend-leauge
a group of men from grimsby who go all weekend (hence the name)
“up the weekenders”
An excuse to take a trip to the woods with friends usually neighbors when the group suspects one of the members is a closet homosexual.
I always thought Doug was a cocksucker , after mans weekend now we know.