October 22nd, national beat Riverside day. Even though they are the richest public school in VA, they still can’t buy a good football team.
“October 22nd is my favorite day of the whole football season, I can’t wait to watch Riverside get blown out again!”
No masturbation day, if you do you're gay and there's no changing that.
Y'all ready for the group masturbation session today?
Wait but bro, it's October 22nd the day where masturbaiting makes you very gay and you can't change it
Oh shit alright tomorrow then
The day bestest of all friends are born
Steph my bff was born today ; its October 22nd
National skip school day,, this is the day everyone must skip school!
‘It’s october 22nd!! Let’s skip school’
National girl gives a guy a hoodie day
Kevin got a hoodie from Jenna and he loved it on October 22nd
National kiss your boyfriend day
On October 22nd You kiss you boyfriend
Today is the day you have to hold your gf/bf's hand. dont be shy just do it!!
*girl and boy sitting next to eachother*
boy:*grabbs girls hand*
girl: why are you holding my hand?
boy: its October 22nd