A Guinness Fart is almost the exact opposite to a genuine fart , and can catch you out after you have consumed a commendable volume of the lovely black liquid .
Having been lulled into a very false sense of safety and security by your own anus , you place your trust in it to release nothing but wind, but horror of horrors , it’s played a very cruel trick on you and will shoot out warm, black , stinking sticky bum treacle of a slightly thicker viscosity than what went in only a few hours beforehand . At this point and usually in the most inconvenient of locations, you have become a victim of a Guinness Fart
I’d only had 9 pints of Dublins finest and whilst walking home I trusted my sphincter to emit some gas which I thought had backed up inside my poop chute . How wrong I was, when the bastard sphincter tricked me with. Guinness Fart and deposited about 4 lbs of BumMolasses directly into my kex . To make matters worse , by the time I’d walked the rest of my journey , the dollop had went cold
It's a sneeze, cough, & in-between those occuring, a loud fart is released. Usually an embarrassment to the farter but hilarious to others.
Man did u see Brian achoo-fart? That sneeze & cough made him fart so loud, that he may have shit his undies. Now we call him skids. He's a dick anyway.
Fart Tissue: A tissue that smells like intense fart.
1: Dude, I've got some bad allergies today!
2: Don't use the tissues in Mrs. Taylor's room, she has fart tissues!
A snorkel placed in the mouth of the first party, while a second party sits on the opened end and farts down the tube into the mouth of the first party.
Wes gave Cody a fart snorkel while he was snorkeling in the pool.
When you are making a food item in the toaster and the ding scares you so much you fart.
That was the loudest pop fart I’ve ever heard!
A Fart That Can Be Poison To People.
It could cause sickness or death.
1. Robin the Alien fart Are toxic.
2. Thomas Did not gonna get Up. But Alf farted on him
3. Visitors Farted on A Guy.
4. How ALF Farted?
5. Alien Fart Can Be Toxic.
When or more people in close proximity have all farted causing one noxious cloud of stink
It smells like a sewer in here because Johnny and Tom fart merged.