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Shotgun Chivalry

Respectfully obeying all rules related to the acquisition of riding "shotgun" in any given car ride.

Guy 1: Hey man I rode shotgun all the way here. How about you ride shotgun back home.
Guy 2: Hey man thanks!
Guy 1: Don't mention it I'm just practicing shotgun chivalry!

by "Caesar" The Great September 29, 2010

3👍 3👎

chivalry: medieval warfare

Often abbreviated as Chiv amongst PC gamers. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a ridiculously badass First Person Slasher game made by Torn Banner Studios which is set in a medieval battlefield and consists of usually 16-24 players violently slashing and/or whacking the shit out of each other with swords, maces, clubs, and other archaic weaponry.

It's also one of the few games where it is entirely possible to accidentally decapitate your entire team with a wrong mouse click.

Man 1: "Fuck man I can't wait for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare to finish updating."

Man 2: "Same here, I've been itching to bash someone's head in with my heavy flail."

by NarugaAndrew June 6, 2014


Synonymous to courteous simp, white knight, courteous stooge, hero complex. A guy who's obsessively/submissively courteous to a woman, treating her like an upper strata untouchable & whitewashed, often trying to enforce or "morally police" other men to be docile to women and violent to men (act chivalrous) purely on the basis of sex and apparent (to them) behavior patterns. Antonymous to fair treatment, individualism, rationalism.

"Chivalry" was just the lower stratas of aristocratic men trying to upgrade their strata by marrying to a higher strata aristocratic women (who would essentially just be using these men as free fuckboys, attention, gifts, ego boost, protection in mischief), and because of this strata difference they had to be cautious and courteous (unless they were genuine simps). They were essentially fear/death squads, existed to punish, through threats and murder, rebelling surfs and peasants during "peace time", and during wars - better equipped and trained, often mounted, soldiers making them have a higher chance of survival, than the average conscripts, especially in running down running away "enemy". Glorified, romanticized, legalized bandits, simps with 0 empathy to other guys.

Chivalry is dead

by veinsofgold February 16, 2021


A common human decency paid from one person to another without the expectance of repayment. often used in the context of a man to a women, but does not exclude other pairings of people.

Mikey performed chivalry when her let James borrow his rubber during the test
Claire watched Dandi's bag as while he went to the bathroom
Oliver helped his girlfriend fix her iPad's settings after her brother messed them up.

by song4agirlneverknowitsabher October 20, 2020

Sushi chivalry

When you don't want to share your sushi but you're courteous and generous so you give it anyway.

- "Hey I thought chivalry was dead !"
- "That's not the same as sushi chivalry. I pride myself in it."

by czarasmoi September 12, 2022

Digital Chivalry

When an ill-conceived event is taking place, instead of capturing it on one’s smart-phone to post for the masses, one acts and aids for the sake of the victim.

Hey Lawrence, did you hear about the mugging at the Food Lion down on Commerce? Oh my gosh, an elderly man was held up at knife point for his wallet, but the woman that swooped in with Digital Chivalry, thwarted the entire crime.

by GlarpoCards011974 December 13, 2017