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Someone who is a liberal or left-wing. Someone who usually believes things such as:

•There should be seperation of church and state, whether or not we were founded by christians
State's rights are important
•Proving murder is wrong by killing a murderer is stupid
•"Killing" an unborn baby, where the mother could die from childbirth, or was a rape victim, is o.k. If you have masturbated or eat chicken eggs for breakfast how could you be against it.
•Thinks we need to do something about global warming
•Favors higher taxes for a GOOD REASON! There are too many underfunded schools, and over forty million americans without basic healthcare. Taxes pay for that.
•Thinks even if you are against something, doesn't mean it should be illegal for others to do.
•And to all you republicans, its ok to be a republican, but don't go bashing democrats and then not even know how to spell it, or have tons of errors, that is just embaressing.

I am a democrat

Bill Clinton

He is a democrat, he supports funding of schools

by Alex June 18, 2006

1928👍 59960👎


A person who votes for the Democratic party. Not necessarily one of the far left wing.

Many Democrats (like myself) are centrists. While i believe that you should keep most of the money you make, and that you should learn to make money yourself, rather than relying on government handouts. I cannot bring myself to support the current Republican platform.

Ultra Right-wing Baptist fundamentalism is JUST as bad as Ultra Left-Wing Hippie fundamentalism.

Also, In an ideal world, i wouldnt mind paying taxes, as long as the govnernment is doing something with them. I would rather pay more taxes and have them go towards reforming our social system (second amendment) then pay less taxes that go towards killing Iraqi's.

They didn't attack us
They didnt have weapons of mass destruction
They are not liberated, they hate us

Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
John F. Kennedy
John Lennon (Democrat Supporter)
Bono of U2 (Democrat Supporter)

by ChaosDemonZ November 24, 2004

3299👍 61062👎


The United States Democratic Party. Usually characterized by beliefs such as:

- personal privacy rights, including legalized abortion and gay marriage
- protection of civil liberties
- protection of the enviornment
- multilateral foreign policy
- extensive government services, such as health care, education, and welfare
- tax system that causes the rich to pay more taxes to pay for above government services

There are currently 202 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 44 in the Senate.

This is a neutral definition of the word Democrat. Urban Dictionary should be about defining words, not advancing a point of view.

by AlexdB December 30, 2005

11184👍 27489👎


Apparently, people who aren't allowed to back up their point of view with evidence.

Republican: It's obvious the Bush tax cuts helped the poor more than the rich.
Democrat: Actually, statistically, the rich recieved almost-
Republican: Your numbers mean nothing.
Democrat: This entire issue is about numbers!
Republican: No, this is about the people! This is about Joe Everyman!
Democrat: What the hell are you talking about?
Republican: I'm talking about how you radicals use numbers to mislead everyone into thinking the Bush tax cuts were bad, and that we have massive debt.
Democrat: ...We DO have massive debt, and the average person got around $300 back, whereas the rich got-
Republican: Are you telling these people America is BAD? Are you saying that America isn't the best damn country ever?
Democrat: No, I just-wait, what? This isn't about me! This is about the issues!
Republican: Not responding to my questions. Typical.
Democrat: ...
Republican: See, clearly I have silenced you with my powerful, factual argument.
Democrat: I had sex with your wife, Bill.
Republican: What?!?
Democrat: She said she wanted a man who didn't tell her she belonged in the kitchen.
Republican: ...

by -[slave]- April 11, 2006

7284👍 65348👎


A nice human who treats people the same no matter their gender or race.

Oh look a Democrat he/she/other must be nice.

by WEEBLIT October 8, 2020

72👍 8072👎


One who becomes aware of all political problems in the US when a Republican is president.

I can't believe what's been happening in America since that Republican was elected. Destruction of civil liberties, supporting the banks, endless war? Not with a Democrat in the White House!

by ActualDefinitions July 3, 2010

1033👍 33239👎


Democrat A person who blames everything on George Bush, look up George Bush on here and all you will see is Bashings, and then look up clinton (Bill) and they will be ready to suck on his penis.

Teacher: Who Caused World War II class?
Student: I Believe it was caused by-
Teacher: George Bush EXACTLY, son of a bitch hates blacks and shit because I am a democrat and this is my point of view.

by Sebastian Stewart February 7, 2008

6500👍 2141👎