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Nigga is a word which evolved from the derogative term "nigger" used by slave master to make mock of mental ability of black slave. Moreover, Tupac defined the distinction between the two with some elements of dishounesty - He said:
"NIGGER- a black man with a slavery chain around his neck. NIGGA- a black man with a gold chain on his neck."

The TRUTH, not the FACT, of the matter is that:
-'Nigger'is a black man with iron chain around his neck deprived of any means of education; symbolising 'physical' slavery.
-'Nigga' is a black man with 'million-dollars' gold chains on his neck living in street; symbolising mental slavery.

Louis X: Salaam brother!
Wallace X: Walaikum Salaam Brother.
Pimp C: Yo, Wazap ma niggaz!
Louis X: My dear brother, Pimp C, can I say a word?
Pimp C: Oh yeh!
Louis X: Thanks.
Louis X: Truely speaking, it is not in the the best interest of Black race in our effort to heal the injury that hundred years of slavery has inflicted in our conscience and sub-conscience to continue to make fun of that comatose that force us to be where we are today.
Wallace X: Teach, Brother!
Louis X: My brother, Pimp C, there is no race in this world that has suffered an inhuman brutality like we the black people of Nothern Hemisphere; Our mind, our culture, our religion, everything that signifies our pride and dignity as humans has been rubbed from us.
Wallace X: Teach!
Louis X: Brother, Pimp C, it makes stupid of us to stand in the midst of the children of whose forefathers enslaved our forefathers, treated them as subhuman, cursed them as "Niggers", meaning that they are mentally incapable, and then we 'uncosciously' call each other "Niggaz". If we were to go by the definition of MTV and other media outlets, when they say a "NIGGA", is a black man with a gold chain on his neck." Then the question is why do we see it as an insult when 'white' kids use it on us? If it is a symbol of pride, why don't we appreciate it rather fron at it. This is hypocracy!!! We got to be reasonable, Brother!
Wallace X: Yeh!
Louis X: Having ourselves in the projects; pimping, hustling, drug dealing, that doesn't mean that we are forever condenmed to live at the peripheral of advancement and civilisation. We have to be men who can face the challenges and reality, and say "NO", enought is enought.
Wallace X: Teach!!!!
Louis X: Certainly, living in projects whiles wearing million-dollars gold chains doesn't make sense.
Wallace X: Right on the spot!
Louis X: My dear brother, Pimp C, Bob Marley once said "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds". it is also said: "It is not too late to turn, and it is not too late to learn, Wake up man and try" We have to try. We have to regain our dignity and respect. We are not 'Niggaz'. We are a hard core 'Brothers'!
Pimp C: Yo, thus food for thought, men! I like you. You r a real brother. man!
Wallace X: Brothers, I think we can talk now...

by Sankore April 11, 2006

582๐Ÿ‘ 339๐Ÿ‘Ž


is a word that people use as a replacement for friend hommie brother ect.. but without the racial constraints of "nigger". A white person can get sued for saying this but a white person can be called cracker or honkey but cannot sue back?

--I am white but i am not racist but this is somehing i found out from hanging around with both white and black people.--

Black man:whats up nigga?

White man: nothing much nigga? (sued $25,000 by NAACP)

Episode 2

Black man: hey cracker hahaha.

White man: aaa whats up? (goes to court and loses racial hate crime suit)WTF!

by kvg2550 June 13, 2006

890๐Ÿ‘ 537๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun. Plural: a group of friends/homies
Replace the current meaning of nigga and racism will die out quicker.

Friend: yo, what you doing tonight?
Me: just kickin it with my niggas

by TheKing_42 May 14, 2013

70๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that formed from the derogatorative word "nigger". This word is used among many people to say stuff such as "homie", "bro", "friend", "dawg", etc.. It is mainly used within the African-American culture and MOST (not all, I am African-American and don't get mad about it unless it is being used like "nigger". I even get mad when black's use it. =\) get mad when someone without darker skin uses it, but it is also widely used by many other races and cultures.

Black Person: Whatsup cracka?
White Person: Nothin' my nigga!
Black Person: What the fuck man! You don't be comin around here callin' me a nigga and shit!
Me: Shut the fuck up nigga! I don't get so offended by this shit, and as you can tell.. I'm black!

by Wikkid Dragon December 20, 2005

2384๐Ÿ‘ 1504๐Ÿ‘Ž


To the people that think it's okay to say it but not for others to say it: don't be a hypocrite, if it bad for others to say it then it bad for you to say it as well, period. Nobody loves double standards, nobody.

To the people that think they should be able to use it because others are using it and get upset because it's alright for others to use it but not you:
The term was used in the past in a rasict context and people have a good sense of history so don't use it, even if you hear other people use it in a nonracial context and assume that sense you mean it that way it will be accepted that way.

1. I will take a principled stand to not say the word nigga or else I wil be seen as a hypocrite.

2. I will take a principled stand to not say the word nigga because I will be seen as rasict when I am not.

3 Hypocrite:whatsup my nigga
Seemingly Racist person: nothing much my nigga
Hypocrite: You can't say that.
Seemingly Racist person: doesn't that make you a hypocrite?
Hypocrite: Why yes it does, but when you use it you sound like a racist.
Seemingly Racist person: Well I guess we're both misguided in using it, we shouldn't assume that everyone understands what we mean.
Hypocrite: I agree, and I think everyone needs to lighten up. No one is really bad unless they feel they as though they can be a hypocrite and that's not bad, or they feel that they can use rasict terms and not expect someone to get mad at them.

by Mike H.T November 7, 2005

1128๐Ÿ‘ 723๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word which in modern usage frequently refers to one who is biologically male. Can be used interchangeably with "dude."

Due to its etymological origins being the racial slur "nigger," certain limitations apply concerning its usage by Caucasians, but these largely vary based on setting.

See also: bitch used as a generalized term for females

That's that nigga.

Niggas plot. Bitches too.

White boy's my nigga.

I talk different to niggas than I do to the females.

Yeah, he's a nigga, but he turned dyke.

by Dertt June 20, 2013

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


You, me, or somebody else. Sorta like he, him, or they, but can be used to replace anything, regardless of gender or the person its about. This word is also exchangeable for mfs/mothafuckas, which has pretty much the same meaning

"Ay bro, let me hold a dollar, niggas been broke for a minute"
"I ain't gon lie, I was tweakin, so I'm thinking niggas feeling some typeaway so I start getting little before shit got cracking"
"So you telling me niggas was really thinking they was on some shit but you know you not?"

by Juicy_Jay June 6, 2020