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A democracy governed by hypocrites.

The British government advocates moral standards to which it does not conform. Britain's political system is therefore a hypocracy.

by Andrew Lugton October 4, 2006

118👍 23👎


What Democracy turns into when all of the politicians in your country are liars.

When no party/President that wins the election manages to keep its/his own ideology, and instead, keeps changing it every time it/he feels like it, that's no democracy. That's hypocracy.

by Urban_Fellow October 19, 2007

304👍 127👎


a political environment characterized by reduced and limited scope of state control of personal behavior

From hypo- "below normal" and -cracy "a type of government". Coined from a misspelling of hypocrisy (claiming moral standards to which one does not conform). See also hypercracy

Eventual recognition of the unseen consequences of state control led her to long for a hypocracy that at least did not have the pretense of being "for the people".

by Adumbrator August 29, 2009

28👍 19👎


Demanding that others live up to standards that you will not live up to.

Railing against a law or situation that has brought you many personal benefits.

Senaturd Kennedy's car has killed more people than all my guns. Senaturd Kennedy rails against guns, but not cars. That's hypocracy.

Senaturd Kennedy inherited a vast fortune that had been shielded from inheritance taxes. Senaturd Kennedy wants high inheritance taxes. That's hypocracy.

Senaturd Clinton says she will take things from you in the name of the public good. But she will not yield her money or her possessions in the name of the public good. That's hypocracy.

Speaker Nancy Pelousy says unions are good, unions are great, unions are wonderful. But she will not allow union members to work in her restaurant or her winery. That's hypocracy.

by Capn' Bullmoose September 19, 2007

50👍 93👎


A country run by hypocrites

Canada is a hypocracy

by awmm December 6, 2019

4👍 1👎


A form of government run by hypocrites or characterized by hypocrisy.

A government that claims to respect privacy rights while spying on its citizens is a hypocracy.

A government that goes to war with other nations because they fail to respect human rights, while that same government maintains offshore torture camps is a hypocracy.

A government run by drug users which executes a 'War on Drugs' is a hypocracy.

by wordtsar February 24, 2014

13👍 3👎


a Democracy where most voters are dumber than a flatworm.

Nothing will be done about climate change while we continue to live in a Hypocracy.

by FreethinkerII March 16, 2010

10👍 20👎