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an expression of amazement usually said to the effect of "that's crazy" or "i didn't know that".

"I still can't believe Christmas is in less than a week"
"I know right, it's so close"

by not22Lise December 17, 2020


Having had sex with a casual partner.

Eddie picked up Clyde at the bar, took him home, gave him another drink, and then tricked with him.

by Richard Black March 14, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something a whore does for money.

GOB Bluth on magic tricks: They're called illusions. A trick is something a whore does for money.

by H. Arnett June 29, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person or thing that does the opposite of what society expects them to do. What they end up doing is generally annoying, frustrating, hurtful or illogical. It can be an organization like a school, a class course or a man or woman.

He said we would definitely hang out next week when he's free since he had a major paper to work on this weekend. That trick never texted me.

The professor told us the exam was going to be right like the practice one - but it was so much more difficult, almost impossible! That professor is such a trick.

I came to this school because they said it would be easy for people to study abroad. Now that I'm here, I have to go through a million protocols and conflicts just to get my application ready; and no one said anything about extra costs. This school is such a trick!

by RealStudent March 25, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Combination of Any Martial art,Gymnastics and Breakdancing-The Combination of These 3 Elements Creates a Artistic Lifestyle Known As "Tricking".

Tricking Is Known As The highest Level of Martial Arts,For many reasons,Not only are The three outlets strong in-Themselves But Combinding Them Makes an Artistic Desplay of talent Like NO other, Tricking Is Becoming Very Popular in todays Society,You can Do Tricking anywhere and Anytime By anyone That is fit and Athletic,People that are just starting out Tricking Should not attempt -Scotty Sceltons- "Tripple Cork"...at all...im Serious,DONT ;)Start Small and work your Way up,Take your Time,"Martial Arts is a Lifetime Journey".

Tricking Is Mainly found in Cali and New York,But Hey What isnt :) "Trickers" are A Very Addaptive and Kind Race,And Shall not Be Labeled.Tricking can Be Found On "YouTube" And www.Loopkicks.Com And if your lookking For Quick Amazement I Highly Suggest you Check it out :)

Lines in Tricking are being Pushed Everyday. Trickers Are Very Adapptive You Can Even combind different Typs of Martial Arts Together,liiiiiike->>>

Muay Tai/Ninjutsu
Hell All of The Above!+Gymnastics and Brakedancing 1 Word !WOW!

"Im Glad i Live in a Time Where Tricking Almost surpasses What Some ANIME Characters Can do :D"
-Cecil Lee-

by Cecil Lee-Martial Artist- August 3, 2009

95๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


a lighter word for "BITCH"

you aint nothin but a trick

by e gomez February 4, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


as a verb: to trick
-to promote prostitution; to whore

as a noun: trick
-one who whores; one who is being whored

1.) "Dez tricks is mah business. Dey bring it in, den we roll it up"

2.) "I was drivin' down south junction and the 'llac was there. Nola, you know how she is. Yeah, 20 in da front for her shit."

by L0nd0n May 29, 2006

64๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž