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hi, i currently live in darien, and just thought i'd give my two cents to the world at large, so far, the closest definition i've read is number 7. yes, there are those in darien who are rich, and then there are those who live in government substidized housing, aka allen o'neil area... yes, we also have the preppies, which are in reality the greater 75% of the kids who attend our public schools. These kids do drive their nice ass SUV"s to school, with their popped collars and their blasting crappy rap music (not that rap music sucks, they just have shitty taste). In reference to drugs, the kids in darien simply put get ripped the f*** off. They pay exorburant amounts for drugs that proably aren't what' they're being told they're getting, and sure as hell aren't the weight they're being quoted as given. That being said, darien teens can hold their alchohol, they know how to drink, and they drink alot. I know plenty of kids i go to school with who start off their morning routine with a couple shots of vodka and a swig or two of whiskey, it's sad to be honest, the amount of alchohl that these kids drink. To finish off my tweaking rant about this crappy town, all i can say is that NO it is not a good place to raise your kids. We do have good education, but if you ever want your kid to be happy or fulfilled with his or her life, do not, i repeat, do not settle down here. you will regret it when your kid goes to brown on a lacrosse scholarship only to get kicked out for cocaine use. and yes, it's true, the only thing the cops have to do around here is bust teenage drinking parties, if anyone from darien reads this, you'll know of a particular story that occured at the beginning of 2005 school year, pertaining to a certain for sale house. tragically, as a result of said incident, the only reallly cool person in darien was forced to move to new york. bummer, anyway, peace

an example of a typical darien high school male:

the average high school male will probably be a member of the DHS football team, which really really sucks, also, odds say that he will play hockey in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring. This guy will lift weights, but only his arms and chest, as he sees no reason to do anything else, and he'll pick on little freshman, even though most freshman are cooler than any senior. On the weekends, he'll go tanning at the toekeneke tanning salon... cause he's so macho with his "huge" biceps. After a good afternoon of fake tanning, him and his new orange skin will drive his rimmed out SUV to his friends mcmansion to get piss drunk and pass out.

by john da magic man August 30, 2006

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Darien is a small town that has a populatio of nice and preppy people. I should know because my friends and I are one of those nice people. Not all people in Darien are rich and drink alcohol. The only reason we wear brands such as polo, juicy,vinyard vines,ect. is becuase we care about how we come across to other people. It's called pride. Most of us have extremly good grades and don't go to collage on just sports scholarships becasue we actually work for the grades and many peoples goals are to get into collages like princton, harvard, and other good collages. It has nothing to do with donating money. And not ALL of our houses are on the water. And we dont all have over sized SUVS, ever heard pollution? I've seen plenty of other cars, such as mercedes, Jeeps, mini coopers, and even a few not so nice cars.And their not all blue either, for example mine is silver, and I've seen a lot red and yellow and green cars too. And maybe some of the houses are close together but thats only because we have to make room for all the people to live here because so many people want live in such a friendly town. We shop at the Darien Sport shop only because they have the best clothes and those clothes are the latest style. Nobody wants to be left out!!! And noone shops at target, come on! And the Stepford Wives was filmed here I know the house it was filmed in and i know some of the extras in the movie, they wanted real darieners. Also a soon to be movie is comming out that ws filmed here on Prospect starring Uma Therman. So think twice before you diss us. know your facts. By the way we are the leading unicef donator in the country so we give back what we get about 44,000$ from just the middleschool alone! Beat That Norwalk, Greeenwich, and Stanford!!!!!

"Lets go to The Darien Sport Shop today and buy a vera Bradley pencil case, some polos, and ecpeccially my favorite Juicy Catour!"

by Niki S November 7, 2006

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1- a dicklick that cant get pussy and is a virgin faggot, he usually is friends with the stoner kid, and is annoying as possible in class, his hobbies consist of busting a nut to anime porn in the school bathroom and playing overwatch

2- when a gay guy’s dropping chocolate and his dick accidently touches his butthole so the head looks brown like a darien, then gets aroused by it, and sucks it off

"last night i made a darien, so after i was done i shoved a wine bottle up my ass ;)"

by hyg November 15, 2018


Built, not bought. Earned, not given. Hustled, not handed. Rare, not average.

β€œAre you gonna give up? Or are you gonna be a darien!”

by Honestlythough November 6, 2021


A super cool gal! <3/ guy (no assuming anythin ;)). A god a Papas freezeria. Can't remember what book she's reading

Wow, Darien is so great at 2048 cupcake

by d4fo3 March 13, 2019


Darien, a town in which every single kid in farfield county wishes they lived in. A town in which every single girl and guy is unbelievably hot. Boys sport vineyard vines and old beat up shoes unlike any other boys. Most of the girls wardrobes will cost more than your life. All darien fathers commute to the city to work on wall street while the mothers stay home playing tennis, sporting lulu lemon, and drinking mimosas. Whilst the mothers are doing such activities, their immigrant "nannies"/slaves are busy picking up children from lax practice, WeeBurn, or 101. The weekends consist of house parties of which last only half an hour until someone calls a tip line. If you ever are to walk upon one of these parties, you are bound to see bagged wine, juuls, and many cans of natty lite (even though they could afford any other type of beer). The second these children turn 16, they're gifted either a Range Rover, or a jeep. Darien may seem like a ghost town for all of the month of august, however, take a quick ferry ride over to Nantucket, and you'll find them sitting on Nobadeer beach tailgating in their soft top jeeps. The kids who are not lucky enough to attend DHS are shipped off to Westminster or Deerfield to do coke and rip O-pens all night. Although Norwalk is basically the ghetto to them, you can still find them crawling around 101. All in all, if you would like to live lavishly with 4 boats, a vacation home, and a Range Rover, find you a darien sugar daddy.

Yo Walker, you have 3 boats? You must be from Darien

by Farfield county August 18, 2017


Darien is a little town in Fairfield County where everyone looks and acts alike. All the moms drive around in suburbans with those ridiculous Blue Wave stickers that everyone in Stamford and Norwalk laughs at.
Basically, I'd rather live in the middle of Harlem then in Darien where everyone is a exactly alike and can not think for themselves. Everyones to busy worrying about what everyone else has and is doing.

Darien is so fake it makes Pamela Anderson's boobs look real.

by Torri March 6, 2006

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