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Bush Derangement Syndrome

Emotional condition akin to anger that a rational person feels when surrounded by retarded people. It is also akin to having your head hammered by Kraut.

Today 85% of Americans suffer Bush Derangement Syndrome due to prolonged exposure to Bush administration.

by Krauthammer October 21, 2008

298👍 179👎

Hurts Derangement Syndrome

Hurts derangement syndrome (HDS) is a pejorative term usually for criticism or negative reactions to future MVP Quarterback, Jalen Hurts, that are perceived to be irrational, insecure and show complete lack of awareness of Hurts’ actual play, or promising future outlook.

The eagles defense was getting pushed all over the field, but Stephen Gallagher’s Hurts derangement Syndrome, caused him to blame the beloved QB for all the mistakes.

by Woodysanger November 16, 2022

Pelosi Derangement Syndrome

The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Nancy Pelosi.

Person A: "I may not agree with everything Nancy Pelosi says, but that domestic policy agenda she supports seems pretty good, doesn't it?"

Person B: "What?! Queen Pelossshhi?! She's bad for America! She's drunk on power! She supports corrupt politicians! She's a defeat-o-crat! Have you seen her nose? She's an obstructionist! Limiting debate on bills was proper THEN, but NOW it's just hateful partisanship! Did you see how she didn't stand during the SOTU address? She hates our troops! Forget about the minimum wage, health care, jobs... I don't need any of those! They're just tricks to help the terrorists win!"

Person A: "Wow, you have a serious case of Pelosi Derangement Syndrome."

by jmeckler- February 5, 2007

89👍 52👎

Loli Derangement Syndrome

The irrational belief that the existence and approval of small anime & manga girls promotes and endorses pedophilia.

Otaku: Megumin and Rory Mercury are my waifus!

Loli Hater: What, so you’re a pedophile who supports child trafficking and rape culture?

Otaku: No....

Loli Hater: But you just admitted to liking underage characters!

Otaku: They’re fictional characters living in already unrealistic fantasy worlds where other characters my age also find them attractive. Is something wrong?

Loli Hater: bUt sHe’s uNdErAGe!!

Otaku: Relax, son, it’s just an anime character.

Loli Hater: bUt yOu’Re sTiLL A peDOphILE!

Otaku: I literally can’t even stand being around people’s annoying children, why should I suddenly be sexually or romantically attracted to them?

Loli Hater: bEcAuSe yOu’RE aTTraCtEd tO uNDerAgE cHaRaCtERs

Otaku: The characters I mentioned look nothing like children and don’t even act like them. Loli Derangement Syndrome in action!

by TheSleeperThatHaunts February 21, 2021

34👍 16👎

Tranny Derangement Syndrome

To be so obsessed with trannies that you are incapable of shutting up about them, and blame them for all of modern society's problems. Victims of Tranny Derangement Syndrome will bring up their hatred of trannies in literally any online discussion, no matter what is being discussed, and stir up pointless drama among people that don't give a shit.

The conservative analogue of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

"What does sex change surgery have to do with a thread about computers? No one wants to hear about this gross shit. Fuck off with the Tranny Derangement Syndrome, no one cares."


by dontkillalljewspls April 1, 2020

44👍 26👎

Trump Derangement Syndrome

A disease Trump supporters have which causes them to believe his tens of thousands of lies, accept multiple unsupported conspiracy theories, excuse all his offenses and crimes, promote that he's a good man who has learned from his mistakes, and vote against their own interests.

John: It's amazing how Trump supporters ignore all his lies and forgive all his crimes.

Jane: Yeah, they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and are unable to see anything negative about him.

by bkwormonthenet October 28, 2020

916👍 22408👎

Trump Derangement Syndrome

TDS is a condition developed by media manipulation that causes people to act irrationally in regards to anything Donald Trump. Such behaviors include calling anyone a Trump supporter because they are not outright disrespecting Donald Trump or disagreeing with him, Willingly cutting off the closest of family and friends who support him or show him any kind of respect, fairness or defense and/or call out democratic leaders when blame and accusations are being placed on Donald Trump, becoming hostile towards anyone who who does any of the above in real life or in the comment sections of internet websites and forums, going into a fit of rage at the mere sight, thought or sound of anything that is not disrespectful to Donald Trump.

Applied especially to people who believe everything the media tells them and will refuse to do research to find the truth because it may invalidate their hatred for Trump. If they DO research they won’t search for truth, but for things that will parrot and reinforce their hatred for Trump.

“She really cut ties with her mother and called her a racist bigot just because she voted for Donald Trump. Her mother married into a black family and has a gay son. Just cause you voted for Trump doesn’t mean you’re a racist bigot. Smh..that girl has a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I could talk about Joe Biden’s history past and present, but she doesn’t want to talk about that.”

by Open Mind Marco April 20, 2022

15481👍 231👎