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female email

A Female E-mail is when somebody sends you a single text that is so long it turns into multiple text messages.

"Dude what the Fuck did you have to female email me like that for? It made no sense. Just call me next time it will take both of us less time to figure out what you are trying to tell me," you say.
"Whats a female email?" he asks.
"It is when you send me a message over 150 characters that is a bitch to read, like you just did. It was five messages scattered in a fucked up order! It took me five minutes to figure out what u were saying." you say.

by wiscoflorida January 15, 2014

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email courier

An individual who approaches someone's desk or workstation in a work environment almost immediately after sending them an email, usually to confirm that the email has been received.

Bill: I just sent you an email. Did you get it?
Mike: Probably, I haven't checked.
Bill: Can you check?
Mike: Uh yeah, looks like I got it.
Bill: Thoughts?
Mike: My immediate thoughts are you're an email courier and a douchebag.

by Jock Tam July 28, 2009

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Email Swirl

Used to define an email thread that becomes unmanageable, unending, and painful. A defining element of any circle swirl, is the fact that the initial question is gunned down by eroneous crap; causing the person w/the inquiry to leverage telephony to address the problem.

Darrin emailed his colleague Eileen for assistance with a work related problem. Unfortunately, Darrin cc'd his project team and an email swirl ensued. Darrin had to finally call Eileen directly, to obtain the needed response.

by John Spenker March 4, 2008

Email Victims

The art of courtship and flirtation in the modern work environment.

Vivienne really fell for my email victims game. A couple of worthless emails and a few drinks later and she was feelin' it.

by A.P. All Day March 12, 2008

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An email so long, you have to use your kindle to read it.

Hey dude! TLDR, this is a kindle-email.

by brannewyn May 21, 2012

email generation

The ability to tell in general how old someone is by their email domain.

President Barack Obama once said that baby boomers "Cling to their guns, religion, and AOL.com email domains" - This references the fact that no one below the age of 50 still uses AOL. The baby boomer generation, like most senior citizens of their time, are known for their frugality. That is to say, they are cheapskates. However none of them seem to be able to figure out that free email accounts are widely available and they don't have to pay for it through AOL anymore.

Gen X'ers often stick to hotmail.com or yahoo.com. They don't want to risk coming off the Pearl Jam or Third Eye Blind mailing lists.

Gen Y'ers stick to gmail.com. As are a few forward thinking Gen X'ers (*those whose hotmail or yahoo accounts got hacked at Y2K)

The millennials are just too fuckin' hip to be defined by their email. They just communicate with each other through twitter...I mean snapchat...oh wait that was so last week, how do I find out if my beard and skullcap are still in?

(Woman, to man at a bar) Hi handsome? Nice beard, spectacle glasses, plaid sportcoat, and tight-fitting jeans with the cuffs rolled up. Can I email you?
(Man) LOL!!
(Woman) Well if you change your mind, I'm lesliesmith@aol.com
(Man) Cougar!
(Woman) OMG he knows my email generation

by RATTnroll November 1, 2016

Handshake Email

When one has your email but wishes to share their email address, so they send you an email for the purpose of sharing their own email address or contact details.

first personHi, please email me back at my new location.
second personYou have my email, please send me a handshake email with your contact details and I will reply.

by Shaoak April 3, 2009