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Phoenix the nations 5th largest city and the fastest growing major city in America. Central Phoenix is home to the Phoenix Suns and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Sky Harbor airport is one of the busiest in the nation. The area also includes lower class whites,sometimes involved with Meth. These areas are parts of Mesa,Apache Junction,Cave Creek and Sunnslope. The southside and westside of Phoenix are predominantly Hispanic and black areas. Tempe best known for its party atmosphere and overspoiled ASU students. Glendale is home to the new Arizona Cardinal Stadium and Glendale arena. Scottsdale is one of the upper-class areas located northeast of Phoenix-whites only enclave.

1. By the time I get to Phoenix.
2. Phoenix great place eight months of the year.
3. Phoenix too many people movin in.

by zendar August 4, 2006

364๐Ÿ‘ 399๐Ÿ‘Ž


Phoenix, the capital city of Arizona, is comprised of about 10 major suburbs and is known as 'The Valley'. Even though a resident might be from Gilbert or Scotsdale or Glendale, he or she will still refer to him or herself as being from Phoenix. The whole city is on a grid system, and there are several converging inter- and intra-state freeways and highways.

There is a short period of mild weather from December to March, but 100-120 degree weather rules the rest of the months. In August/September there is a limited period of a few weeks called 'Monsoon Season' where it rains for several hours.

Phoenix is home to the biggest party school in the nation, Arizona State College. A beautiful campus set in the middle of downtown Tempe, it is in the middle of several points of attraction, including the newest baseball stadium, Bank One Ballpark - also known as BOB. ASU is a growing college of about 50,000 students, most of which are as hot as the weather.

Despite being a major, metropolitan city, Phoenix is distinctly dull and soul-less. It has no major theatre companies or enriching artistic outlets. It's at best a glorified rest stop for folks on their way to California. It's a web of suburbs comprised of 'pink houses' - developments that rely on the same four or five architectural structures to create identical houses with pink or salmon colored roofs. Like most of the manufactured homes, the people are fake - as in silicon implants and liposuction.

Phoenix also has the rare pleasure to host a large population of what natives call 'Snow Birds'. Snow Birds are a flock of elderly couples and singles that come into The Valley during the three or four months of mild weather and stay in their homes in Sun City and Sun City West until summer begins and they travel again to the norther, cooler climates. They drive very slowly, clog up the freeways, and generally annoy the public.

I've never been hotter than the three days I spent in Phoenix.

by Blythe Feiring February 25, 2006

298๐Ÿ‘ 330๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's a fUCkin' bird made of hot

"Oh Shit! That's a fuckin' Phoenix!"

by ThisFuckinDumbass October 24, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Cap. of Arizona. Also I from Phoenix and I dislike that people dis us. These are the reasons why people should think differently:

1. Unlike other major cities in The U.S.A. we have not been around as long so this is why we have not built up a soulness to say such as other cities that have been around for over 100+.

2. Scottdale is not the only nice place. Glendale has a lot a really nice areas.

3. We can't help the fact that we have many illegals what are we going to due just pick up the state and more it so we are not next to it. Furthermore why does California not get talked about for all of its illegals.

4. We can't help that we don't have a port. I am sorry that we are land-locked and yes we did that just to make you mad.

5. Now if Phoenix as many people moving here then who is to blame about the driving. Let me think the people moving her more than likely becuase they out number native born.

6. I can't help Sun City and the Snow Birds. Maybe people who make fun of them now will become them when they are old to get from the cold.

7. Ya, we have bad public schools but that is why there are private schools. People look up Xavier College Prep and Brophy College Prep. They are some of the best in the USA.

8. I'm sick of people from the Midwest thinking that this place is great. Then moving back to the cold becuase they did not like this place and deciding to just bad mouthing it to get over it. Why don't you think about is wrong with were you live.

9. Get it though your head that it hot here not '70-80 8 months out of the year. That is a good one.

10. If it is hot and so sunny then there would be a good chance of getting skin cancer but then again that is just common sense to me. Why aren't people sayin that about California is it is sunny there.

11. since we are not a old city we have not develop a mass-transit system just over time like older cities.

12. People who say there is not culture are wrong you have to really live here to get to it.

13. We have our slums be every city does so get over it.

14. ASU does party but other school are coming to learn how to run there Recreation Major just like ASU.

Stop bad mouthing Phoenix we you don't know what you are talking about.

by Libby Moran January 3, 2008

403๐Ÿ‘ 460๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sorry excuse for a city. Sorry but it is. Those who move here from great cities like Chicago, New York, San Francisco, what have you deserve what they (usually) have coming. Why do people think we have such great weather? Is 110 degrees great weather? People here will tell you that its a dry heat or something stupid like that but feel free to dismiss that completely. 110 degrees is 110 degrees. Period. If you want great weather then move to Southern California or if that's too expensive then go to Florida or Hawaii or somewhere in the Carribean. The kids at Arizona State University in nearby Tempe aren't too smart. It's like they're in High School again. They brag constantly about being a party school and it gets quite annoying after awhile.

Phoenix should not be mistaken for a real city.

by anonymous1232214 June 12, 2008

248๐Ÿ‘ 276๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird.
Said to live for 500 or for 1461 years, the phoenix is a male bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. The Phoenix was said to rise from ashes.

Phoenixs are cool, and thats why my online alias is lostphoenix / iPhoenix

by Rich Seeley iPhoenix August 21, 2005

191๐Ÿ‘ 217๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shithole that will never progress. Phoenix is a giant suburban wasteland with nothing to do. Phoenix is made up of about 10 diverse suburbs.

Tempe- Tempe home to decent weed, ASU, sluts, and asshole cops who will bust you for anything and punish you to the max(j- walking ticket= $250)

Mesa- Neo Nazis, Eses, Meth heaven, Payday Loans, really good stuff that every family needs

Gilbert/Chandler- Bros, Mormons, and hey more Bros

Phoenix- Downtown= Ghost town, Ghetto, Horrible Drivers.

Scottsdale- Rich, Snotty, Stuck up grade A cunts and their small dick UFC wannabe boyfriends.

Ahwahtukee(all-white-tuukee)- Fake cookie cutter houses that in fake neighborhoods with fake arrogant people

Glendale/Peoria- middle class people with two stadiums and a sports complex

Sun City- Full of the flocking snow birds that congest the streets

The Res- Casinos, Cheap cigs and nothing else but a shitty drive-in movie theater

Also the Phoenix metro area is infested with illegals. Phoenix has Sheriff Joe who is the dumbest motherfucker in the west. He wastes millions of tax dollars fighting lawsuits against him and trying hunt down illegals which he fails at. We also have a super fun place called tent city it's a tented jail outside and it's best if you reside in the summer. It has green bologna and the worst DUIs and Red Light running deaths in the nation. Never drink in drive in Phoenix you'll be fucked if you get caught.

We have no culture at all if you take the mexicans out of the city all you get is brainwashed, lifeless drones.

Phoenix may look nice or fun in a book but it is a living hell 100-120 degrees from April to the end of October. I honestly don't understand why someone in their right minds would want to inhabit the arid landscape. Most of us kids are trapped here because either school or it's too expensive to live anywhere else. Phoenix is a cheap city and it shows it in every way.

Shit do we have to go to Phoenix???

My skin is melting!!

Who wants to go for a walk in the salt river?

Wow this place is just as bad as Tucson?

by Editeduser666 November 15, 2008

137๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž